
Deakin Art Gallery Backend

Primary LanguageCSS

Backend Installation Instructions - Written by Chloe Hulme

First, fork the Thoth Tech art-gallery-backend repo in the GitHub GUI.

Clone this forked repo to a local directory. git clone <HTTPS repo link>

With Docker

Installing Docker

Download and install Docker Desktop: https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/

Building and Running the Containers

First, in appsettings.json alter the following lines:

  • Under ConnectionStrings, remove:

  • "PostgresSQL": "Host=localhost;Database=art_gallery_db;Username=postgres;Password=PostgreSQL;"

  • and replace it with: "PostgresSQL": "Server=host.docker.internal;Database=art_gallery_db;User Id=postgres;Port=5433;Password=PostgreSQL;IntegratedSecurity=true;Pooling=true;"

Now, build and run the containers with the following command (ensure you have Docker Desktop open when doing so):

  • docker-compose up --build

To re-run containers without rebuilding their images use: docker-compose up. Once changes have been made to the app, the containers will need to be rebuilt using docker-compose build or docker-compose up --build.

From Source Code

Setting up PostgreSQL

This project uses Postgres v15.1. A full installation guide can be found at https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/tutorial-start.html

PostgreSQL Installation Steps

  • Download Postgres on your desired platform at https://www.postgresql.org/download/.
  • Follow the installation wizard dialog, when prompted for a password use ‘PostgreSQL’. Postgres does offer an in-house open source administration and development platform called pgAdmin. Other alternatives to this include Azure Database Studio and DBeaver.
  • Once Installed, a prompt to launch Stack Builder will display, select yes. This will ensure you have the adequate drivers, which in our case in under Categories > Database Drivers > Npgsql v3.2.6-3, or whichever is most current at the time of installation.
  • Once Stack Builder has finished its installation process, close the application, and launch pgAdmin.
  • pgAdmin may prompt for a master password, this can be left blank or set the same as the postgres user (i.e., ‘PostgreSQL’) for simplicity.
  • On the left-hand side (under Browser) collapse the Server tab, followed by PostgreSQL 15. You will be prompted to enter as password, enter ‘PostgreSQL’ (this is the same password we set for the postgres user during installation). Right click on Databases and select Create > Database…
  • Enter the following details: [Database: art_gallery_db, Owner: postgres, Comment: Thoth Tech Art Gallery Project]. Then select “Save”.
  • Next, depending on the operating system, you may be required to link the binary paths for pgAdmin. This can be done by selecting Files > Preference > Paths > Binary Paths and setting the bottom PostgreSQL Binary Path for version 15 to ‘C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin’ or your installation directory equivalent.
  • Next, right click on the newly created database and select Restore.
  • In the art-gallery-backend repository acquired earlier, there is an art-gallery-database folder that contains the database schema. Select the schema that best suits your setup requirements. For the purpose of this document, we will select the schema that includes sample data: art-gallery-db-sampledata.sql.
  • Select Restore, Right click on the database and select Refresh. Collapse the art_gallery_db > Schemas > Tables. There should be 7 tables all populated with sample data.
  • Congratulations, the database is now setup and running!

Setting up Visual Studio 2022

Visual Studio 2022 is the recommended IDE for the project. The project was built using .NET6, however there is a newer version available. A full in-depth guide for installing .NET7 for a variety of platforms can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/windows?tabs=net70

VS Installation Steps

  • Download Visual Studio 2022 at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community/.
  • Follow the installation prompts and be sure to select the ASP.NET package under Web & Cloud.
  • Navigate to the art-gallery-backend.sln solution file in the download destination for step one. For me this was "D:\Development\DDGCIT-art-gallery\art-gallery-backend\art-gallery-backend\art-gallery-backend.sln".
  • Open the solution, then build and the run the application.
  • You may get an error depending on the speed of your system during the first build – This will be due to packages that have not yet installed, give NuGet restore a few minutes to complete this process.
  • Congratulations, the backend API is now setup and running!