
UART test for Tang Nano 9k in Bluespec, synthesis with yosys+nextpnr

Primary LanguageVerilog


Use bluespec-git, bluespec-contrib-git, yosys-git and nextpnr-git from Chaotic AUR, or docker-fpga-builder.


make load


USB UART in Tang Nano 9k is an emulated FTDI which seems to be a little buggy.

The only way I found to reliably set the baud rate was a combination of GNU screen and picocom. Right after loading the bitfile to board, run:

screen /dev/ttyUSB1 3000000,cs8,-parenb,cstopb

Then close GNU screen by typing Ctrl+a k y.

Finally, run picocom and have fun:

picocom -b 3000000 -d 8 -p 1 -y n /dev/ttyUSB1