
Art Vandelay is an importer/exporter for Rails 7.0 and higher.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

🌐 Art Vandelay

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Art Vandelay is an importer/exporter for Rails 7.0 and higher.

Have you ever been on a project where, out of nowhere, someone asks you to send them a CSV of data? You think to yourself, β€œOk, cool. No big deal. Just gimme five minutes”, but then that five minutes turns into a few hours. Art Vandelay can help.

At a high level, here’s what Art Vandelay can do:

βœ… Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "art_vandelay"

And then execute:

$ bundle

βš™οΈ Configuration

# config/initializers/art_vandelay.rb
ArtVandelay.setup do |config|
  config.filtered_attributes = [:credit_card, :birthday]
  config.from_address = "no-reply-export@example.com"
  config.in_batches_of = 5000

Default Values

Attribute Value Description
filtered_attributes [:passw, :secret, :token, :_key, :crypt, :salt, :certificate, :otp, :ssn] Attributes that will be automatically filtered when exported
from_address nil The email address used when sending an email of exports
in_batches_of 10000 The number of records that will be exported into each CSV

🧰 Usage

πŸ“€ Exporting

Art Vandelay supports exporting CSVs and JSON files.

ArtVandelay::Export.new(records, export_sensitive_data: false, attributes: [], in_batches_of: ArtVandelay.in_batches_of)
Argument Description
records An Active Record Relation or an instance of an Active Record. E.g. User.all, User.first, User.where(...), User.find_by
export_sensitive_data Export sensitive data. Defaults to false. Can be configured with ArtVandelay.filtered_attributes.
attributes An array attributes to export. Default to all.
in_batches_of The number of records that will be exported into each file. Defaults to 10,000. Can be configured with ArtVandelay.in_batches_of


Returns an instance of ArtVandelay::Export::Result.

result = ArtVandelay::Export.new(User.all).csv
# => #<ArtVandelay::Export::Result>

csv_exports = result.csv_exports
# => [#<CSV::Table>, #<CSV::Table>, ...]

csv = csv_exports.first.to_a
# => [["id", "email", "password", "created_at", "updated_at"], ["1", "user@example.com", "[FILTERED]", "2022-10-25 09:20:28 UTC", "2022-10-25 09:20:28 UTC"]]


Returns an instance of ArtVandelay::Export::Result.

result = ArtVandelay::Export.new(User.all).json
# => #<ArtVandelay::Export::Result>

json_exports = result.json_exports
# => [#<CSV::Table>, #<CSV::Table>, ...]

json = JSON.parse(json_exports.first)
# => [{"id"=>1, "email"=>"user@example.com", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "created_at"=>"2022-10-25 09:20:28.123Z", "updated_at"=>"2022-10-25 09:20:28.123Z"}]
Exporting Sensitive Data
result = ArtVandelay::Export.new(User.all, export_sensitive_data: true).csv
# => #<ArtVandelay::Export::Result>

password = result.csv_exports.first["password"]
# => ["bosco"]
Exporting Specific Attributes
result = ArtVandelay::Export.new(User.all, attributes: [:email]).csv
# => #<ArtVandelay::Export::Result>

csv = result.csv_exports.first.to_a
# => [["email"], ["george@vandelay_industries.com"]]
Exporting in Batches
result = ArtVandelay::Export.new(User.all, in_batches_of: 100).csv
# => #<ArtVandelay::Export::Result>

csv_size = result.csv_exports.first.size
# => 100


Emails the recipient(s) exports as attachments.

email(to:, from: ArtVandelay.from_address, subject: "#{model_name} export", body: "#{model_name} export")
Argument Description
to An array of email addresses representing who should receive the email.
from The email address of the sender.
subject The email subject. Defaults to the following pattern: "User export"
body The email body. Defaults to the following pattern: "User export"
format The format of the export file. Either :csv or :json.
  .new(User.where.not(confirmed: nil))
    to: ["george@vandelay_industries.com", "kel_varnsen@vandelay_industries.com"],
    from: "noreply@vandelay_industries.com",
    subject: "List of confirmed users",
    body: "Here's an export of all confirmed users in our database.",
    format: :json
# => ActionMailer::Base#mail: processed outbound mail in...

πŸ“₯ Importing

ArtVandelay::Import.new(model_name, **options)
Argument Description
model_name The name of the model being imported. E.g. :users, :user, "users" or "user"
**options A hash of options. Available options are rollback:, strip:


Option Description
rollback: Whether the import should rollback if any of the records fails to save.
strip: Strips leading and trailing whitespace from all values, including headers.


Imports records from the supplied CSV. Returns an instance of ArtVandelay::Import::Result.

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["email", "password"]
  csv << ["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"]
  csv << ["kel_varnsen@vandelay_industries.com", nil]

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users).csv(csv_string)
# => #<ArtVandelay::Import::Result>

# => [{:row=>["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"], :id=>1}]

# => [{:row=>["kel_varnsen@vandelay_industries.com", nil], :errors=>{:password=>["can't be blank"]}}]
csv(csv_string, **options)
Argument Description
csv_string Data in the form of a CSV string.
**options A hash of options. Available options are headers: and attributes:
Option Description
headers: The CSV headers. Use when the supplied CSV string does not have headers.
attributes: The attributes the headers should map to. Useful if the headers do not match the model's attributes.
Setting headers
csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"]

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users).csv(csv_string, headers: [:email, :password])
# => #<ArtVandelay::Import::Result>


Imports records from the supplied JSON. Returns an instance of ArtVandelay::Import::Result.

json_string = [
    email: "george@vandelay_industries.com",
    password: "bosco"
    email: "kel_varnsen@vanderlay_industries.com",
    password: nil

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users).json(json_string)
# => #<ArtVandelay::Import::Result>

# => [{:row=>[{"email"=>"george@vandelay_industries.com", "password"=>"bosco"}], :id=>1}]

# => [{:row=>[{"email"=>"kel_varnsen@vandelay_industries.com", "password"=>nil}], :errors=>{:password=>["can't be blank"]}}]
json(json_string, **options)
Option Description
attributes: The attributes the JSON object keys should map to. Useful if the headers do not match the model's attributes.

Rolling back if a record fails to save

ArtVandelay::Import.new supports a :rollback keyword argument. It imports all rows as a single transaction and does not persist any records if one record fails due to an exception.

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["email", "password"]
  csv << ["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"]
  csv << ["kel_varnsen@vandelay_industries.com", nil]

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users, rollback: true).csv(csv_string)
# => rollback transaction

Mapping custom headers

Both ArtVandelay::Import#csv and #json support an :attributes keyword argument. This lets you map fields in the import document to your Active Record model's attributes.

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["email_address", "passcode"]
  csv << ["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"]

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users).csv(csv_string, attributes: {email_address: :email, passcode: :password})
# => #<ArtVandelay::Import::Result>

Stripping whitespace

ArtVandelay::Import.new supports a :strip keyword argument to strip whitespace from values in the import document.

csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
  csv << ["email_address  ", " passcode  "]
  csv << ["  george@vandelay_industries.com  ", "  bosco  "]

result = ArtVandelay::Import.new(:users, strip: true).csv(csv_string, attributes: {email_address: :email, passcode: :password})
# => #<ArtVandelay::Import::Result>

# => [{:row=>["george@vandelay_industries.com", "bosco"], :id=>1}]

πŸ™ Contributing

  1. Run ./bin/setup.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Ensure ./bin/ci passes.
  4. Create a pull request.

πŸ“œ License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.