- 1
Deprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
#1131 opened by Machacek76 - 4
#1122 opened by ragavindia - 1
- 1
Document compatibility with Ruby Sass/gh-pages
#1108 opened by dabrahams - 10
- 1
_is-color validator fails on CSS Custom Properties
#1103 opened by GoOz - 3
can't resolve`bourbon`
#1078 opened by FDiskas - 4
- 0
Issue Title
#1121 opened by Maxeilis - 3
- 1
Support for Rails 7
#1112 opened by Overload119 - 2
Remove TTF / OTF on Bourbon 7!
#1100 opened by Gouigouix - 1
How to add bourbon to React-CRA ?
#1101 opened by stephyswe - 2
- 2
CSS custom properties skipped in position()
#1086 opened by meduzen - 14
suggestion: font-face
#1080 opened by FDiskas - 1
Documentation menu issue
#1079 opened by FDiskas - 4
Suggestion: reset
#1077 opened by FDiskas - 3
npm bower deprecation
#1065 opened by Oliv4945 - 4
- 5
Tint percent is upside down
#1070 opened by JulianSteinmann - 9
Usage on Angular 6
#1061 opened by IlCallo - 6
- 9
Bourbon not installing from npm
#1056 opened by Foxhoundn - 15
cannot override default $_text-inputs-list variable
#1039 opened by hikirsch - 1
[Idea] Adding a media query mixin
#1035 opened by DougBeney - 0
free elotis
#1059 opened by alexgarcia179 - 3
Not working from within rails 5.2rc1 engine
#1051 opened by pelted - 10
Bourbon 5.0.0 does not work with sassc-rails
#1047 opened by jhawthorn - 3
- 3
Error with font-face mixin using gulp-sass
#1052 opened by sgu1 - 2
Error with Bourbon 5.0.0 and node-sass
#1049 opened by sheelah - 1
jekyll/SCSS conversion error: undefined variable
#1050 opened by caityp - 1
Latest gem installs older version of Bourbon
#1046 opened by michaelfich - 1
I cannot get bourbon to work in my rails app
#1044 opened by alexandratoo - 0
alcohol reference
#1045 opened by costa - 0
using bourbon 4.3.4 but missing mixins....
#1026 opened by heswebs - 4
- 4
How i add sass syntax?
#1036 opened by ardamutlu - 2
ActionView::Template::Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon.
#1024 opened by Overload119 - 4
Bourbon 4.3.4 does not play nice with Neat 2.0.0
#1032 opened by sixtyfive - 16
5.0 Status Check
#1027 opened by bdkjones - 1
Add Rails Engine back?
#1020 opened by tysongach - 2
Undefined $font-stack variables
#1025 opened by harberg - 6
Flow-Root support
#1023 opened by rctneil - 1
Best way to migrate mixins from v4 to v5
#1022 opened by pavlito - 1
Bourbon releases
#1021 opened by weareREASON - 2
Documentation: `view source` links for deprecated mixins point to dead links
#1018 opened by geoffharcourt - 10
- 1