- 5
Parent factory with traits that call other traits uses trait from child factory
#1716 opened by EmilioCristalli - 0
Syntax error in factory_bot gem files when using Ruby 2.7.0
#1718 opened by br4tech - 1
Drop support for Ruby 3.0
#1715 opened by sarahraqueld - 3
- 3
Do not overwrite the dafault value
#1680 opened by anko20094 - 1
has_many relations
#1645 opened by mike-burns - 2
- 2
Feature request: attribute scoped sequence
#1683 opened by kakubin - 1
Add find_or_create_by Method
#1681 opened by hatsu38 - 1
use Faker for scaffolding
#1704 opened by n1xn - 5
- 1
- 2
Expose which keys were overridden by the user
#1649 opened by mike-burns - 1
- 4
- 0
Make strategy used easier to detect in callbacks
#1694 opened by CodeMeister - 0
- 2
- 3
Allow overriding of `FactoryBot.automatically_define_enum_traits` on a per-factory basis
#1597 opened by mikespokefire - 3
build_stubbed broke when i upgrade to Rails 7.1.3
#1634 opened by dev-Gois - 0
Fix shape variations with attribute assigner
#1679 opened by bkuhlmann - 0
- 2
Path collisions `docs/src/{SUMMARY,summary}.md`
#1580 opened by grekko - 0
Question: Why `Evaluator` class is marked as a `@api private` if its instance is part of `to_create` API?
#1664 opened by jacob-s-son - 0
- 1
Factory before(:create) called AFTER model after_create
#1654 opened by cedvw - 7
- 0
Sponsored issue: test creating support request
#1594 opened by namproctin - 9
Factory Bot 6.4.5: Syntax error with Ruby < 2.7, but the ruby gem requirement is still `>= 2.5.0`
#1614 opened by tagliala - 0
Pass context to initialize_with
#1648 opened by mike-burns - 0
Ad hoc sequences in create_list
#1647 opened by mike-burns - 0
Zeal/Dash docset
#1646 opened by mike-burns - 0
- 0
Move stub strategy into factory_bot_rails
#1643 opened by mike-burns - 2
Support for callback before(:build)
#1633 opened by 23tux - 1
- 0
Ability to checkpoint and restore sequence state
#1631 opened by harto - 1
While loading spec_helper a `raise SyntaxError` occurred, RSpec will now quit.
#1627 opened by pboling - 0
Issue with links on factory reference page
#1621 opened by elasticspoon - 0
Rubocop (`Rails/SaveBang`) linters `create(my_dynamic_string.to_sym)` when using with dynamic first param
#1620 opened by MarionCrp - 0
- 0
- 2
- 2
- 0
Configurable ID factory for build_stubbed
#1605 opened by olivier-thatch - 7
Updating from 6.2.0 -> 6.4.2 is a breaking change for us: "Do not define "id". Instead, rely on the database to generate it."
#1602 opened by MarcusRiemer - 0
Getting Duplication error
#1596 opened by Student945 - 2
How do you do inline association attribute overrides when your association doesnt match the factory name?
#1591 opened by v2kovac - 0
Raise an error if `sequence` is defined for attribute with auto-incrementing sequence in the DB
#1585 opened by owst - 0