- 4
"Class" loaded more than once?
#1639 opened by stevenou - 3
- 0
with_options used with define_enum_for
#1654 opened by tapalilov - 1
`belong_to` optional check breaks custom validation
#1652 opened by thisismydesign - 6
- 1
- 2
counter_cache validation fails with Rails 7.2.beta
#1638 opened by jetienne - 4
- 1
undefined method `validatate_presence_of' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Organization::Validations>
#1633 opened by dbforge - 7
polymorph uniq check fails with 6.2
#1622 opened by Skulli - 2
What Pieces of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord need to be present for shoulda to appear?
#1628 opened by dlinch - 5
wrong constant name dummy value on rails 7
#1575 opened by yanghoxom - 0
- 4
- 0
Fix intermitent test
#1527 opened by vsppedro - 0
Drop support for Rails 5.2
#1513 opened by vsppedro - 0
- 1
- 3
Numericality matcher not working as expected on 6.0.0
#1601 opened by stephannv - 16
Wrong error with matcher
#1582 opened by mochetts - 2
Cannot validate numericality with dynamic values
#1583 opened by mochetts - 1
Ruby-tests-explorer and shoulda integration
#1587 opened by merof-code - 0
rspec spec/unit fails with ruby 3.3.0dev
#1578 opened by mtasaka - 1
- 2
Minitest: is there a recommended way to use `shoulda-matchers` without using `shoulda-context` ?
#1571 opened by lioneldebauge - 2
- 1
- 1
- 7
Problem when running the tests
#1538 opened by HeitorMC - 1
validation_inclusion_of is returning ArgumentError
#1565 opened by piyush4793 - 2
- 3
- 4
- 2
Drop support for Ruby 2.6
#1511 opened by vsppedro - 2
- 3
Could Not Prove `not_to validate_length_of` Despite Conditional Validation Equally false
#1541 opened by ndouglasma - 1
Shoulda Matchers for Python
#1494 opened by s2t2 - 2
undefined method `is_in' for <Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveModel::ValidateNumericalityOfMatcher>
#1530 opened by ClintonEnyinna - 1
`allow_values` fails to `format_validation_errors`
#1529 opened by TastyPi - 1
No source_type matcher for has_many?
#1526 opened by Kutomore - 0
#1525 opened by alfredo-pl - 9
- 6
Version 5.2.0 using define_enum_for causes error
#1508 opened by ostigley - 2
- 2
- 3
should permit(...).for with Ruby 3 - "wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)"
#1496 opened by jasonsof - 0
Indifference to I18n `errors.format` translation
#1492 opened by Mekajiki - 1
- 1
- 1