React Random Name Picker

Getting started

  • Don't fork/clone this repo. just refer to this README for instructions
  • Create react app: npx create-react-app react-random-name-picker
  • Navigate into the directory containing your react app: cd react-random-name-picker
  • Start react app: npm start


For this exercise, we will be doing everything inside App.js

  • Delete all the lines in App.js and create a class component named App by yourself. Make it render <h1>hello random name picker</h1>
  • In App, create a constructor an initialize a this.state object with the following value:
this.state = {
  names: ["gordon", "sahil", "david", "sally", "jane", "alice"],
  luckyWinnerIndex: null
  • in render(), add a h3 tag that displays the value of this.state.luckyWinnerIndex

  • in render(), add a <button>get lucky winner!</button>

  • in render(), add an event handler to the button (the handler function can be called handleClick())

  • In the method handleClick(), set this.state.luckyWinnerIndex to a hard-coded number (e.g. 2). Click the button and verify that a name is displayed.

  • Update the method handleClick() to generate a random integer.

    • we will use a javascript library (mathjs) to help us with this. to use it:
      • npm install mathjs
      • in App.js, import math from "mathjs"
      • to generate a random integer between 0 - 2, use math.randomInt(3) (see docs)

Bonus tasks:

  • Instead of displaying one name, display all names and add CSS to make the luckyWinner look different (e.g. bold and coloured)
  • Create a InputForm component allow user to key in names. Everytime the user clicks the submit button or hits enter, setState() should be called and this.state.names should be updated with a new name. Note 2 things:
    • this is only in memory, meaning everytime you refresh the page, the added names will disappear)
    • you will need to pass handlers as props
  • Refactor App.js into smaller components (we will need to pass handlers as props)

prerequisite knowledge:

  • basic React
  • conditional rendering
  • CSS
  • event listeners and handlers
  • passing handlers as props