A library that generates an interactive radar, inspired by
- 8
Custom quadrant names in BYOR
#344 opened by rfresh - 1
please improve details in release notes
#380 opened by setchy - 1
How can I add the radar output to a confluence page
#306 opened by razakpm - 11
feature request: update blip drawn coordinates to be in ascending order within rings
#311 opened by setchy - 1
Order for the nodes numbering
#376 opened by arash-hajikhani - 2
- 1
- 3
Custom visual
#345 opened by tardich - 5
- 6
Chrome not prompting for Google Sheet authentication, even when pop-ups allowed
#314 opened by jacobmclocklin - 0
- 8
- 6
Number of quadrants in the Radar pie.
#317 opened by arash-hajikhani - 4
Build failing on local for master
#348 opened by davidbuchanan - 6
DOCKER Build fail
#282 opened by ben-liang-dev - 5
- 16
SSL Error
#271 opened by prasadaws10 - 8
Broken Backward Compatibility
#315 opened by alvarolorentedev - 1
Can't find the Google Sheet
#319 opened by gullywompr - 4
Print this Radar formatting
#301 opened by stuartjsmith-aveva - 6
- 4
Unable to load data file from github-public repo
#274 opened by rczone9999 - 1
download link of specific version
#258 opened by bhaskarsantoshk - 4
docker build failed
#333 opened by ardahuseyinoglu - 2
keeps loading but the radar is never created
#320 opened by ardahuseyinoglu - 0
Plan to make 10 quadrants
#321 opened by ashokkavi - 3
k8s_production/screen.css is not available
#297 opened by YGeorge - 4
Custom quadrant name yields empty quadrant
#313 opened by jacobmclocklin - 3
Enable automated dependency updates for this repo
#249 opened by setchy - 2
Locale support
#291 opened by theunf - 2
Error: internal Server Error
#309 opened by nidhin077 - 3
Issue while deploying Docker Image
#308 opened by jophisbird - 0
Update to use Node 18 LTS
#266 opened by setchy - 0
Enable https and use of user generated certificates
#292 opened by theunf - 7
docker container execution results in Access to XMLHttpRequest has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
#281 opened by marcopersi - 1
Migrate to Google Identity Services
#280 opened by eskimoquinn - 0
Can't run prod build using --omit=dev
#283 opened by CharlesNadolski - 1
- 5
Use internal URL's like Azure blob storage or AWS S3 bucket or URL ?
#275 opened by prasadaws10 - 2
Issue while building radar using googlesheet
#273 opened by chandujampa - 2
Docker Build Failing
#272 opened by mornindew - 11
Radar for URLs of Google sheets cannot be generated when executed on the server.
#270 opened by shenxiyue - 0
Allow loading CSV and JSON without domain name
#246 opened by jemerald - 1
Updating Docker image in docker hub
#265 opened by TjayGs - 11
CORS error when building radar
#263 opened by Controlix - 1
Replace jQuery with React
#259 opened by hschmidtoverstock - 2
Not able to view the Radar
#253 opened by fahadanwarONS - 0
Feature Request: Allow Dynamic Quadrants
#256 opened by NileshGule - 0
Multiple versions of Radar using CSV files...
#254 opened by fahadanwarONS - 0
RTL support
#250 opened by Bamlarie