Real-time visual performance driven by the brain data of two performers.
Photo credit: © Kevin Barry - ThoughtWorks
- Download and install Processing
- Install 2 Processing libraries (Tools->Add Tool->Libraries) : ControlP5 and UDP ( hypermedia's Processing library). Hypermedia's lib can also be gotten at hypermedia
- Open
in Processing and press▶️ .
You will need to have Python 2.7 installed (locally or in a virtual env) and some dependencies:
- serial
- numpy
- scipy
- pip
You will also need to be sure that OpenBCI drivers are properly installed and configured. See Driver Setup from OpenBCI for more info.
Run this command to install all dependencies at once:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you have an OpenBCI connected to the computer, you can stream the data to the visualization like this:
python python/ --serial-port /path/to/the/serial/port
If you don't an OpenBCI connected, you can stream pre-recorded test data to the visualization like this:
python python/ --test-file /path/to/test/file.txt
Different test files are provided in the
- Confirm Mac USB port names for Dual brains connection. Example of port name: /dev/tty.PL2303-xxx
- To list all ports (long listing):
ls -l /dev/tty.*
Start Processing and open Dual_Brain_Visualization from the folder Documents/Dual_Brains. Make sure you've selected which monitor to use for display.
To Start the connection with the OpenBCI using the Python script from the Documents/Dual_Brains folder, type:
python python/ --serial-port /dev/tty.usbserial-DQ007RRX (or whatever the serial port name is)
If you want to run the Python script with test data instead:
python python/ --test-file aaron_test_data/OpenBCI-RAW-aaron+eva.txt
- Eva Lee, Artist & Experimental Filmmaker
- Gabriel Ibagon, Programmer & Artist
- Gal Nissim, ScienArtist
- Pat Shiu, Visual Artist
- Aaron Trocola, 3D Fashion Designer
- Julien Deswaef, Artist & Technologist