
file sync tool, deprecated by git-annex

Primary LanguagePython


Decentralised personal file distribution (on a redundant array of inexpensive laptops and archive disks).

I created Litter (Ltr henceforward) to be a more personal Dropbox/UbuntuOne/... . Initially targetted at power users, built to feel familiar for shell users. For instance it uses user@host:/path uri's and ssh for network file access.

Ltr uses a filesystem crawler in python to correlate files from a local folder against the index of the volume (the LtrSpace) to which they belong.

A LtrBox is such an instance of a LtrSpace, and contains some or all files in the LtrSpace. The state of all LtrBox-es is stored in a CouchDB database, which is replicated between the LtrBox-keeping hosts.

The only file operations ltr performs are ls, stat, file --mime, sha1sum, copy, rm, mv. No copies of your files, other than the ones you work on in (various) LtrBox-es are kept behind the scenes or in databases, which is very unlike svn and git).

Having the full file index on every host allows you to examine/navigate the directory listings of your disks, when they are not mounted on your system. This way you have the indexes of backup disks at hand, and a simple query can show which files don't have any redundant copies.

Each LtrBox has a .ltr file, containing the url to the couchdb document containing LtrBox details.

A LtrBox adheres to a policy which specifies the behaviour of pull operations. A LtrBox can have on of three policies set:

  • ondemand: only pull-in files which are marked to be in the LtrBox explicitly
  • complete: all files in the space are wanted
  • skeleton: as a minimum, retain the bare directory structure of the space on-disk.

A couchapp (to be created) can allow for easy manipulation of the list of pending operations for the next pull.

A centralised repository is easily implemented if desired. A shell account with a complete LtrBox, Ltr and CouchDB are sufficient.

Transporting large files between systems using a thumbdrive can be streamlined like this:

  • mark the desired files as requested on a thumbdrive
  • mark the desired files as requested on the remote LtrBox
  • pull the files onto thumbdrive
  • physically move thumbdrive to destination
  • mount and pull the files from thumbdrive to the destination system.


thomas@maytag 1b % ltr --help
usage: ltr [-h] [-n]
           {box,pull,stat,set,show,create,status,ls,diff,commit,clone} ...

ltr - Decentralised personal file distribution

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --dryrun          dryrun

    create              creates a new dropbox
    clone               create a new ltrbox out of an existing one
    pull                retrieve wanted files from other ltrbox
    box                 show list of ltrboxes in this volume
    ls                  show database filelist
    commit              update database with filesystem
    status              compare filesystem to database
    diff                compare files between boxes
    show                show information on object
    set                 set object parameter
    stat                consult database about filename

Create LtrSpace and box

thomas@maytag ~ % ltr init http://thomas:geheim@maytag:5984/testspace
ltr: create database  testspace
ltr: push design docs  testspace
thomas@maytag ~ % mkdir xyz; cd xyz
thomas@maytag ~ % ltr create http://thomas:geheim@maytag:5984/testspace box@maytag .
ltr: new box to database  <ltrbox testspace/box@maytag >
ltr: wrote cookie for box@maytag

ltr status

thomas@maytag xyz % touch abc def
thomas@maytag xyz % cp ~/0385730624.pdf .
thomas@maytag xyz % mkdir subdir1
thomas@maytag xyz % cp ../maximus_0.4.14.orig.tar.gz subdir1
thomas@maytag xyz % ltr status
N /abc
N /def
N /subdir1
N /notes.html
N /subdir1/maximus_0.4.14.orig.tar.gz


  • N New
  • C copy in sync (hidden from display by default)
  • M modified
  • D discarded (removed from box)
  • W wanted (awaiting fetch)
  • L lost (last copy disapeared)


  • s skip (marked skip or deleted on this disk by user, not automatically fetched)
  • p purge from space (ltr rm)
  • c copy present in box
  • b box

ltr commit

thomas@maytag xyz % ltr commit
N /abc
N /def
N /subdir1
N /notes.html
N /subdir1/maximus_0.4.14.orig.tar.gz
thomas@maytag xyz %

clone box

(actions performed on different computer)
thomas@bauknecht ~ % ltr init http://thomas:geheim@bauknecht:5984/testspace
ltr: create database  testspace
ltr: push design docs  testspace
thomas@bauknecht ~ % ltr sync -d http://thomas:geheim@maytag:5984/testspace -D http://thomas:geheim@bauknecht:5984/testspace
ltr: sync http://thomas:geheim@localhost:5984/x1 http://thomas:geheim@localhost:5984/x2
{'doc_write_failures': 0,
'docs_read': 14,
'docs_written': 14,
'end_last_seq': 15,
'end_time': 'Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:31:59 GMT',
'missing_checked': 0,
'missing_found': 14,
'recorded_seq': 15,
'session_id': '620c1a75f8307b30a43ba4b6671a465b',
'start_last_seq': 0,
'start_time': 'Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:31:58 GMT'}
thomas@bauknecht ~ % cd mkdir box2dir; cd box2dir
thomas@bauknecht box2dir % ltr create http://thomas:geheim@bauknecht:5984/testspace box@bauknecht .
ltr: new box to database  <ltrbox testspace/box@bauknecht >
ltr: wrote cookie for  box@bauknecht
thomas@maytag box2dir % ltr
w /abc
w /def
w /notes.html
w /subdir1

pull user@host:/path/to/another-box

thomas@bauknecht box2dir % ltr pull box@maytag
ltr: pull  box@maytag
scp sftp://thomas@maytag/.../xyz/notes.html /home/thomas/box2dir/notes.html
scp sftp://thomas@maytag/.../xyz/def /home/thomas/box2dir/def
mkdir /home/thomas/box2dir/subdir1
scp sftp://thomas@maytag/.../xyz/subdir1/maximus_0.4.14.orig.tar.gz /home/thomas/box2dir/subdir1
scp sftp://thomas@maytag/.../xyz/abc /home/thomas/box2dir/abc
thomas@maytag box2dir % 


  • checking off the TODO file
  • using python-paramiko for cross platform network transparency (ssh)