
Linux shell scripts I wrote

Primary LanguageShell

thouters' script toolbox

valgdb - a wrapper script to run valgrind and gdb in the same terminal
git-rename: 'rename' from perl, hacked to invoke git-mv
next - iterate over files using a symbolic link as pointer
waitwrap - wrapper to be used with screen
das - wrapper around the RequestTracker cli tool (rt), extending it with some functionality
fsnotify.sh - mail changes to a directory periodically
perhaps.sh - invokes $1 only when there is data on stdin. for piping to sendmail from cron jobs
gitvimdiff - open vim, with in each tab a vert diffsplit of changes to the index
git-annex-autoadd - find all files not checked into git, and git-annex them.
git-annex-autocopy - git-annex-copy all files under current directory to specified remote
git-annex-local - create directory named 'local' with symlinks to all annex files that are present
git-autoadd - find all files not checked into git, and git-add them.
git-at - run git commands on a given checkout, specifying the location of the checkout
uy - walk up filesystem tree to find a matching file
snote-thumbdir.sh - run snote-thumb.sh for each snb file found in a folder
snote-thumb.sh - extract thumbnail jpgs from a samsung note file