
Go client library and cmdline tool for WELDR API servers like lorax-composer and osbuild-composer

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composer-cli - Use osbuild-composer from the command line

composer-cli is a command line utility used with osbuild-composer to manage blueprints, build and upload images, and manage source repositories.

Edit a Blueprint

Start out by listing the available blueprints using composer-cli blueprints list, pick one and save it to the local directory by running composer-cli blueprints save http-server. If there are no blueprints available you can copy one of the examples from here.

Edit the file (it will be saved with a .toml extension) and change the description, add a package to it. Send it back to the server by running composer-cli blueprints push http-server.toml. You can verify that it was saved by viewing the changelog - composer-cli blueprints changes http-server.

See the Blueprint Format section for the details on how to create a blueprint.

Build an image

Build a qcow2 disk image from this blueprint by running composer-cli compose start http-server qcow2. It will print a UUID that you can use to keep track of the build. You can also cancel the build if needed.

The available types of images is displayed by composer-cli compose types. Currently this consists of: ami, fedora-iot-commit, openstack, qcow2, vhd, vmdk

You can optionally start an upload of the finished image, see Image Uploads for more information.

Monitor the build status

Monitor it using composer-cli compose info UUID where UUID is the UUID returned by the start command. This will show the status of the build. You can view the build logs once it is in the RUNNING state using composer-cli compose log UUID

Once the build is in the FINISHED state you can download the image.

Download the image

Downloading the final image is done with composer-cli compose image UUID and it will save the qcow2 image as UUID-disk.qcow2 which you can then use to boot a VM like this:

qemu-kvm --name test-image -m 1024 -hda ./UUID-disk.qcow2

Image Uploads

composer-cli can upload the images to a number of services, including AWS, Azure, and VMWare. The upload can be started when the build is finished by passing the service's profile.toml to the compose start command. For example:

composer-cli compose start http-server server aws.toml


Each provider requires it's own set of details in order to upload to it, this usually involves authentication information. Each provider has its own list of requirements.


A provider.toml file for AWS looks like this:

bucket = "AWS Bucket"
region = "AWS Region"
key = "AWS Key"
accessKeyID = "AWS Access Key"
secretAccessKey = "AWS Secret Key"

The access key and secret key can be created by going to the IAM->Users->Security Credentials section and creating a new access key. The secret key will only be shown when it is first created so make sure to record it in a secure place. The region should be the region that you want to use the AMI in, and the bucket can be an existing bucket, or a new one, following the normal AWS bucket naming rules. It will be created if it doesn't already exist.

When uploading the image it is first uploaded to the s3 bucket, and then converted to an AMI. If the conversion is successful the s3 object will be deleted. If it fails, re-trying after correcting the problem will re-use the object if you have not deleted it in the meantime, speeding up the process.


For Azure the provider.toml looks like:

storageAccount = "account"
storageAccessKey = "key"
container = "container"


The VMWare provider.toml uses this template:

host =  "Hostname"
username =  "Username"
password = "Password"
datacenter = "Datacenter"
cluster = "Cluster"
datastore = "Datastore"

Build an image and upload results

If you have a profile named test-uploads:

composer-cli compose start example-http-server ami "http image" aws test-uploads

Or if you have the settings stored in a TOML file:

composer-cli compose start example-http-server ami "http image" aws-settings.toml

It will return the UUID of the image build, and the UUID of the upload. Once the build has finished successfully it will start the upload process, which you can monitor with composer-cli upload info <UPLOAD-UUID>

You can also view the upload logs from the Ansible playbook with:

`composer-cli upload log <UPLOAD-UUID>`

The type of the image must match the type supported by the provider.

JSON Output

composer-cli can output the JSON data returned by the osbuild-composer API, either for debugging or testing purposes. The return format is a JSON 'object' that contains 4 fields: method with the HTTP method used to make the request, path is the API path that was called, status is the HTTP return code from the server, and body contains the raw JSON returned by the server.

Some commands send 2 requests to the server in order to retrieve all the results at once. The API supports pagination and defaults to 20 items, so you need to find the total and set the limit to that total in order to get all of them.

For example, the JSON response from a composer-cli blueprints list looks like this:

    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/blueprints/list?limit=0",
    "status": 200,
    "body": {
        "blueprints": [],
        "limit": 0,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 3
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/blueprints/list?limit=23",
    "status": 200,
    "body": {
        "blueprints": [
        "limit": 3,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 3

NOTE: This output format changed in weldr-client v35.6, it used to be a stream of objectes and is now a proper JSON list of objects, making it easier to parse.

Blueprint Format

Blueprints are simple text files in TOML format that describe which packages, and what versions, to install into the image. They can also define a limited set of customizations to make to the final image.

Example blueprints can be found in here, with a simple one looking like this:

name = "base"
description = "A base system with bash"
version = "0.0.1"

name = "bash"
version = "4.4.*"

The name field is the name of the blueprint. It can contain spaces, but they will be converted to - when it is written to disk. It should be short and descriptive.

description can be a longer description of the blueprint, it is only used for display purposes.

version is a semver compatible version number. If a new blueprint is uploaded with the same version the server will automatically bump the PATCH level of the version. If the version doesn't match it will be used as is. eg. Uploading a blueprint with version set to 0.1.0 when the existing blueprint version is 0.0.1 will result in the new blueprint being stored as version 0.1.0.

[[packages]] and [[modules]]

These entries describe the package names and matching version glob to be installed into the image.

The names must match the names exactly, and the versions can be an exact match or a filesystem-like glob of the version using * wildcards and ? character matching.

NOTE: Currently there is no difference between packages and modules. In the future the modules list may be used for module support, so it is best to just use [[packages]] for now.

For example, to install tmux-2.9a and openssh-server-8.*, you would add this to your blueprint:

name = "tmux"
version = "2.9a"

name = "openssh-server"
version = "8.*"


The groups entries describe a group of packages to be installed into the image. Package groups are defined in the repository metadata. Each group has a descriptive name used primarily for display in user interfaces and an ID more commonly used in kickstart files. Here, the ID is the expected way of listing a group.

Groups have three different ways of categorizing their packages: mandatory, default, and optional. For purposes of blueprints, mandatory and default packages will be installed. There is no mechanism for selecting optional packages.

For example, if you want to install the anaconda-tools group you would add this to your blueprint:


groups is a TOML list, so each group needs to be listed separately, like packages but with no version number.


The [customizations] section can be used to configure the hostname of the final image. eg.:

hostname = "baseimage"

This is optional and may be left out to use the defaults.


This allows you to append arguments to the bootloader's kernel commandline. This will not have any effect on tar or ext4-filesystem images since they do not include a bootloader.

For example:

append = "nosmt=force"


Set an existing user's ssh key in the final image:

user = "root"

The key will be added to the user's authorized_keys file.


key expects the entire content of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, make sure it is the public key.


Add a user to the image, and/or set their ssh key. All fields for this section are optional except for the name, here is a complete example:

name = "admin"
description = "Administrator account"
password = "$6$CHO2$3rN8eviE2t50lmVyBYihTgVRHcaecmeCk31L..."
home = "/srv/widget/"
shell = "/usr/bin/bash"
groups = ["widget", "users", "wheel"]
uid = 1200
gid = 1200

If the password starts with $6$, $5$, or $2b$ it will be stored as an encrypted password. Otherwise it will be treated as a plain text password.


key expects the entire content of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, make sure it is the public key.


Add a new group to the image. name is required and gid is optional:

name = "widget"
gid = 1130


Customizing the timezone and the NTP servers to use for the system:

timezone = "US/Eastern"
ntpservers = ["0.north-america.pool.ntp.org", "1.north-america.pool.ntp.org"]

The values supported by timezone can be listed by running timedatectl list-timezones.

If no timezone is setup the system will default to using UTC. The ntp servers are also optional and will default to using the distribution defaults which are fine for most uses.

In some image types there are already NTP servers setup, eg. Google cloud image, and they cannot be overridden because they are required to boot in the selected environment. But the timezone will be updated to the one selected in the blueprint.


Customize the locale settings for the system:

languages = ["en_US.UTF-8"]
keyboard = "us"

The values supported by languages can be listed by running localectl list-locales from the command line.

The values supported by keyboard can be listed by running localectl list-keymaps from the command line.

Multiple languages can be added. The first one becomes the primary, and the others are added as secondary. One or the other of languages or keyboard must be included (or both) in the section.


By default the firewall blocks all access except for services that enable their ports explicitly, like sshd. This command can be used to open other ports or services. Ports are configured using the port:protocol format:

ports = ["22:tcp", "80:tcp", "imap:tcp", "53:tcp", "53:udp"]

Numeric ports, or their names from /etc/services can be used in the ports enabled/disabled lists.

The blueprint settings extend any existing settings in the image templates, so if sshd is already enabled it will extend the list of ports with the ones listed by the blueprint.

If the distribution uses firewalld you can specify services listed by firewall-cmd --get-services in a customizations.firewall.services section:

enabled = ["ftp", "ntp", "dhcp"]
disabled = ["telnet"]

Remember that the firewall.services are different from the names in /etc/services.

Both are optional, if they are not used leave them out or set them to an empty list []. If you only want the default firewall setup this section can be omitted from the blueprint.

NOTE: Some compose types disable the firewall, this cannot be overridden by the blueprint.


This section can be used to control which services are enabled at boot time. Some image types already have services enabled or disabled in order for the image to work correctly, and cannot be overridden. eg. ami requires sshd, chronyd, and cloud-init. Without them the image will not boot. Blueprint services are added to, not replacing, the list already in the compose type, if any.

The service names are systemd service units. You may specify any systemd unit file accepted by systemctl enable eg. cockpit.socket:

enabled = ["sshd", "cockpit.socket", "httpd"]
disabled = ["postfix", "telnetd"]

Package Sources

By default osbuild-composer uses the host's configured repositories. These are immutable system repositories and cannot be deleted or changed. If you want to add additional repos use the composer-cli sources command to create them.

A new source repository can be added by creating a TOML file with the details of the repository and add it to the server with composer-cli sources add newrepo.toml:

name = "custom-source-1"
url = "https://url/path/to/repository/"
type = "yum-baseurl"
proxy = "https://proxy-url/"
check_ssl = true
check_gpg = true
gpgkey_urls = ["https://url/path/to/gpg-key"]

The proxy and gpgkey_urls entries are optional. All of the others are required. The supported types for the urls are:

  • yum-baseurl is a URL to a yum repository.
  • yum-mirrorlist is a URL for a mirrorlist.
  • yum-metalink is a URL for a metalink.

If check_ssl is true the https certificates must be valid. If they are self-signed you can either set this to false, or add your Certificate Authority to the host system.

If check_gpg is true the GPG key must either be installed on the host system, or gpgkey_urls should point to it.

You can edit an existing source (other than system sources), by using sources add or sources change with the new version of the source. It will overwrite the previous one.

A list of existing sources is available composer-cli sources list, and detailed info on a source can be retrieved with composer-cli sources info SOURCE-NAME. Deleting a non-system source is done using composer-cli sources delete SOURCE-NAME.

The configured sources are used for all blueprint depsolve operations, and for composing images. When adding additional sources you must make sure that the packages in the source do not conflict with any other package sources, otherwise depsolving will fail.