App specifications

  • Ruby version : 2.6.2

  • Rails version : 5.2.3

  • Test framework : rspec

Cloning the repository

  • Clone the repository

  • Husky :

    • cd in the directory and run npm install
  • Bundle

    • run bundle install
  • Docker :

    • check that Docker is properly installed with the command docker run hello-world
    • check that docker-compose is properly installed with the command docker-compose --version
    • check that you can build the dependencies with the command docker-compose up redis postgres maildev or just docker-compose up
    • open another terminal window and check that your services are up with the command docker-compose ps
  • Launch the app :

    • setup the database with rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
    • Launch local server with rails server

Team project :