
This project contain compiled binary that include facebook module for ios only.

Primary LanguageGDScript


This project contain compiled binary that include facebook module for ios only.

NOTE:- I used xcode 10.1 with developer account, Godot Engine 3.1 Stable and Godot Source Code Stable 3.1. Facebook login will if you selecte Log In with Phone Number or Email Address option. If you select Log In with the Facebook App in login page then your application received login cancelled error.(Its a bug, Work is in progress)

You can download bindary from below Link.


MacOS : Copy iphone.zip in /Library/Application\ Support/Godot/templates/3.1.stable

Above bindary is for debug only. I haven't compile facebook module for release version.

For Code check above ** Login.gd ** file

After You Export Your Project:

  1. Follow this step From step 3 to step 10.
  2. Copy Bolts.framework, FBSDKCoreKit.framework, FBSDKLoginKit.framework and FBSDKShareKit.framework in you project folder.Image
  3. In Xcode, Select Target>Build Phases>Link Binart with Libraries add above framework. (Select + button, Add Other)
  4. In Build Settings > Other Linker Flags set -ObjC
  5. Add Below settings in your info.plist file, you will get this from FB developer account.

