
A collection of Ant tasks for the development with cc65 (http://www.cc65.org) and Vice (http://www.viceteam.org/).

Primary LanguageJava


A collection of Ant tasks for the development with cc65 (http://www.cc65.org) and Vice (http://www.viceteam.org/).



Utilities for working with CBM files.

  • PRGHeader - Adds or modifies the two byte header of a CBM PRG file.
  • PRGSplit - Splits a CBM PRG file into multiple parts.


Launchers for cc65 (http://www.cc65.org).

  • CA65 - Calls the ca65 executable of cc65.
  • CC65 - Calls the cc65 executable of cc65.
  • CL65 - Calls the cl65 executable of cc65.
  • LD65 - Calls the ld65 executable of cc65.


Builds binary data files.

  • Data - The main task for Ant.
    • DataFill - Fills bytes with the same value.
    • DataFont - Extracts a font from the cbmFontEditor projects and stores it as binary.
    • DataHeader - Sets the two byte header of a CBM PRG file.
    • DataImage - Converts an image to binary (including dithering).
    • DataManual - Adds manual data.
    • DataSprite - Converts an image to binary sprite data (including dithering).
    • DataText - Converts ASCII to PETSCII text


Tasks for the Vice emulator (http://www.viceteam.org/).

  • C1541 - Main task for executing the C1541 executable of Vice
    • C1541Format - Calls format of the C1541 executable of Vice
    • C1541List - Calls list of the C1541 executable of Vice
    • C1541Read - Calls read of the C1541 executable of Vice
    • C1541Write - Calls write of the C1541 executable of Vice
  • X128 - Starts the Commodore 128 emulator of Vice
  • X64 - Starts the Commodore 64 emulator of Vice
  • X64DTV - Starts the Commodore 64 DTV emulator of Vice
  • X64 - Starts the Commodore 64 emulator of Vice
  • XCbm2 - Starts the CBM 2 emulator of Vice
  • XPet - Starts the Commodore PET emulator of Vice
  • XPlus4 - Starts the Commodore Plus 4 emulator of Vice
  • XVic - Starts the Commodore VIC emulator of Vice