
A super simple jQuery lite box

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A super simple jQuery lite box


Here you can take a look to the demo.


  • Options

    • type: 'modal', // String with the type of the message(alert, confirm, prompt, wait, modal).
    • event: 'click', // click & hover are allowed. "Manual" to manually open the litebox.
    • title: true, // Add a title to the lite box. False: no title, True: button/link value/text, String: title text.
    • msg: false, //String(HTML or just text) or jQuery object with the content for the message.
    • buttons: null, // Add extra buttons as an object where the key is the label and the value the callback: // {'myButton': function(){doSomething()}} // For close the lite box you must add the close method to the callback like this: // {'myButton': function(){doSomething();$(this).dreamyLiteBox('close')}}
    • useDefaultBtns: true, // Use the defaults buttons
    • bg: true, // Whaterver to use background or not
    • bgColor: "#000", // Background color of the background layer
    • useDefaultSizeType: true, // Boolean to use the default size for each type
    • width: 530, // Number for a custom with. Optional, if is undefined use a default value.
    • height: 150, //Number for a custom height. Optional, if is undefined use a default value.
    • callbackOnConfirm: null, // Callback used only for the confirm and prompt messages, with the function to call after confirm the message. Returns the trigger element, except "promt" type which returns the param and the element.
    • callbackOnCancel: null, // Callback used only for the confirm and prompt messages, with the function to call after cancel the message. Returns the trigger element.
    • callbackOnOpen: null, // Callback for appear function. Returns the trigger element.
    • callbackOnClose: null, // Callback for disappear function. Returns the trigger element.
    • callbackBeforeOpen: null, // Callback before open the lite box. Returns the trigger element.
    • callbackBeforeClose: null // Callback before close the lite box. Returns the trigger element.
  • Theming

    • You can easily edit the dreamyLiteBox.css with your own styles.
    • If you are handy with LESS, you also have the dreamyLiteBox.less file.