
`` doesn't vendor-prefix rules

Closed this issue · 5 comments

keyz commented

Late to the game, but using glamor feels greeeeat! Thanks for making this.

I noticed rules that are inserted via don't get vendor-prefixed. Is this intentional? In my case, I'm using to style the node that ReactDOM renders to:'#container', {
  minHeight: '100%',
  display: 'flex',

IMO it makes perfect sense for css.insert to insert a raw CSS string as-is, but it would be great if can auto-prefix rules such that I won't need to manually add vendor prefixes. :)

Also, nesting and other shenanigans that are possible with css are not applied.
Not sure how much work that would be - totally fine to me without.

yeah, I probably won't bring nesting etc into this. just a helper for inserting global css.

published in 2.20.13