
Dataset an demonstration of using Machine Learning methods for prediction of Volleyball match outcomes



Example to generate the data and train the model for the year 2019. Run the code in the root of the project folder :

python src/data_collection/ncaa_team_scraper.py -y 2019
python src/data_collection/ncaa_player_scraper.py -y 2019
python src/data_collection/ncaa_team_data_cleaner.py -y 2019 --all
python src/data_collection/ncaa_player_data_cleaner.py -y 2019 --all
python src/models/ncaa_model_evaluator.py -d "../../data/ncaa/processed/2019/accumulated/0.2_ewm_with_players.csv"
python src/models/ncaa_model_tuner.py -d "../../data/ncaa/processed/2019/accumulated/0.2_ewm_with_players.csv"

Description of relevant scripts

Final Scripts

ncaa_team_scraper.py :
  • Scrapes game by game data and team statistics for all the teams
  • Data location : data/ncaa/raw/
ncaa_player_scraper.py :
  • Scrapes individual player performance data
  • Data location : data/ncaa/raw
ncaa_team_data_cleaner.py :
  • Cleans and preprocesses team data and creates team_vs_team (without players stats) dataset s
  • Data location : data/ncaa/processed/{year}, data/ncaa/processed/{year}/accumulated
ncaa_team_player_cleaner.py :
  • Cleans and preprocesses team data and creates team_vs_team (with player stats) dataset
  • Data location : data/ncaa/processed/{year}, data/ncaa/processed/{year}/accumulated
ncaa_model_evaluator.py :
  • Evaluates five different machine learning models on the dataset present at the entered path
ncaa_model_tuner.py :
  • Experiments with tuning and feature selection on the dataset and different models

Other scripts

  • Generates a dataset with data compiled over all the years
  • Cleans the filenames in the data/ncaa/raw/{year}/team_stats directory
  • Needed before using ncaa_combine_data(deprecated).py
  • Random experiments with different data, models and techniques
