Striver SDE Intern Assignment

The backend may be down sometimes since it is a free version

image image

Tech Stack

  • Backend - Express, MySQL, Prisma ORM, Redis
  • Frontend - ReactJS, TailwindCSS
  • Libraries - zod (input validation), ioredis, axios


  1. Frontend
  1. Backend
  1. MySQL database - avien
  2. Redis - upstash image

Features & Improvments

  1. The UI is pretty junky need to update it.
  2. Create a page to sort the data
    • url/{user} to list all the submissions a user has made
    • url/{language} to list all the submissions made in a given language
  3. All the api keys and all the urls are hard coded they all should be in a .env file
  4. The Website is not mobile responsive should work on this.
  5. Dockerize the project