
Functional Requirements

  1. Online Assignment Submission: ○ Create a user-friendly platform for students to submit assignments digitally, including file uploads and relevant details.
  2. Automated Grading System: ○ Implement an automated grading system that evaluates assignments based on predefined criteria, providing instant feedback on objective assessments.
  3. Feedback Mechanism: ○ Develop a mechanism for teachers to provide qualitative feedback on assignments, explaining the evaluation criteria and offering constructive suggestions for improvement.
  4. Real-time Progress Tracking: ○ Enable students to track the progress of their assignments in real-time, from submission to grading, fostering transparency and reducing uncertainty.
  5. Plagiarism Detection: ○ Incorporate plagiarism detection tools to ensure the originality of assignments and maintain academic integrity.
  6. Gradebook Management: ○ Develop a centralized gradebook that compiles all assignment grades, providing a comprehensive overview for both teachers and students.