
Custom data harvester for geospatial sources for Open Canada

Primary LanguagePython


Custom data harvester for geospatial sources for Open Canada

Currently, the harvester supports data from

  • Environment Canada's internal CSW server
  • Natural Resources Canada's Geogratis server (http://geogratis.gc.ca)

Database Requirements

The harvester saves working data to a PostgreSQL database. Currently, this database must be created manually before using the scripts in this project.

The Geogratis scanner will need read/write access to these three tables.

Getting Started

The harvester scripts for Open Data are a collection of Python scripts, and makes use of a small number of additional Python libraries. Assuming you are using virtualenv and pip (or equivalent), the required libraries are enumerated in the requirements.txt file. To install the required libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For more information on how to use virtualenv and pip see:

harvester.ini file

The harvester scripts need a number of runtime parameters such as database connection information. Set the following values in this .ini.

 # This is the SQLAlchemy database connection string to the PostgreSQL database
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://dbuser:password@hostname/database

csw.url = http://geoserv.dept.gc.ca/geonetwork/csw?service=CSW
csw.username = joeuser
csw.password = 1234pass

Scanning Data sources

Scanning Geogratis, or other data sources, is a 3 step process

  1. Harvest the data from the source and save it into a records table (geogratis_records or ec_records) Example:
    python gr_scanner.py -m -l scan.log
  2. Convert the harvested data into the internal format used by CKAN. The CKAN dataset json is generated and saved to the package_updates table. Example:
    python converter.py -m -t
  3. Dump the CKAN metadata to file in the JSON Lines format. Example:
    python dump_packages.py -m -t ec -f mydata.jsonl
  4. Use the ckanapi utility to load the JSON Lines files into the portal

Dataset Metadata

This table indicates how CKAN dataset metadata fields are mapped to Geogratris metadata fields

CKAN Geogratis
url N/A (Calculated field)
url_fra N/A (Calculated field)
title title (EN - English record)
title_fra title (FR - French record)
notes summary (EN)
notes_fra summary (FR)
date_modified updatedDate
data_series_name citation.series (EN)
data_series_name_fra citation.series (FR)
keywords (list) keywords (EN)
keywords_fra (list) keywords (FR)
spatial geometry (calculated)
presentation_form citation.presentationForm
digital_object_identifier citation.otherCitationDetails
geographic_region categories.urn:iso:place(calculated)
data_series_issue_identification citation.seriesIndex
presentation_form citation.prsentationForm
browse_graphic_url browseImages
topic_category (list) topicCategories (list)
state deleted

Resource Metadata (list)

This table indicates how CKAN resource metadata fields are mapped to Geogratris metadata fields

CKAN Geogratis
name files[].description (EN)
name_fra files[].description (FR)
url files[].link
format files[].type