A small library that allows you to access java bean properties in a static way using method reference lambdas. No code generation or bytecode manipulation is required.
Person person = ...
// We can define property paths staticaly in a type-safe manner...
final BeanPath<Person, String> personCityProperty =
assertEquals("contact.address.city", personCityProperty.getPath());
// ...and also access property's value via BeanPath.
personCityProperty.set(person, "Madrid");
// When accessing transitive properties we do not throw NPEs.
// The same as person.getContact().getAddress().getCity() but without NPE.
assertEquals("Madrid", personCityProperty.get(person));
- To be able to define a static type-safe references to bean's properties or to transitive paths.
- Evaluate and access property's value via reference.
- Minimize NPE impact over property operations.
The main goal is to improve code's maintainability and provide native support of properties for your IDE:
- compile-time control of property names
- code-completion
- simple analysis and refactoring of your code
We use a getter-method lambda to construct a reference to the property. To obtain the information about target class
and the invoked method we transform out lambda into java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda
object that has all the necessary data.
public interface MethodReferenceLambda<BEAN, TYPE> extends Function<BEAN, TYPE>, Serializable {}
MethodReferenceLambda<Person,String> lambda = Person::getName();
Method writeMethod = lambda.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("writeReplace");
SerializedLambda serLambda = (SerializedLambda) writeMethod.invoke(lambda);
String className = serLambda.getImplClass().replaceAll("/", ".");
String methodName = serLambda.getImplMethodName();
Resolved properties' lambdas then cached to speedup successive resolutions.
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.throwable.beanref:beanref:0.1'
final BeanProperty<Person, String> personNameProperty = $(Person::getName);
assertEquals("name", personNameProperty.getPath());
assertEquals(Person.class, personNameProperty.getBeanClass());
assertEquals(String.class, personNameProperty.getType());
// true because there is no correspondent setter method
Getter/setter method names may follow the convention of java beans (getXXX()/isXXX() for getter and setXXX(xxx) for setter), but fluent accessor notation (xxx()) is also supported.
final BeanPath<Person, String> personCityProperty =
assertEquals("contact.address.city", personCityProperty.getPath());
assertEquals(Person.class, personCityProperty.getBeanClass());
assertEquals(String.class, personCityProperty.getType());
final BeanPath<Person, String> path = $(Person::getContact).$(Contact::getAddress).$(Address::getCity);
assertEquals(path, $(Person.class).$("contact").$("address").$("city"));
assertEquals(path, $(Person::getContact).$("address.city"));
assertEquals(path, $(Person.class).$("contact.address.city"));
assertEquals(path, $(Person.class,"contact.address.city"));
It is still possible to define paths using strings.
final Set<BeanPath<Person, ?>> personPropList = $(Person.class).all();
final Set<BeanPath<Person, ?>> addrPropList = $(Person::getContact).$(Contact::getAddress).all();
Person person = ...
final BeanPath<Person, String> personCityProperty =
String personCity = personCityProperty.get(person);
// this returns null while person.getContact().getAddress().getCity() throws NPE
Accessing bean's property via path never throws NPE. Instead it returns null if the path is incomplete.
Person person = ...
final BeanPath<Person, String> personCityProperty =
personCityProperty.set(person, "Madrid");
assertEquals("Madrid", personCityProperty.get(person));
// this returns null while person.getContact().getAddress().getCity() throws NPE
If path is incomplete the library tries to re-create missing transitive beans using no-args constructor (if any). If it is not possible to instantiate a transitive bean an IncompletePathException will be thrown.
// empty object
Person person = new Person();
final BeanPath<Person, String> personCityProperty =
// no NPE, transitive Contact and Address are created automatically
personCityProperty.set(person, "Madrid");
assertEquals("Madrid", personCityProperty.get(person));
assertEquals("Madrid", person.getContact().getAddress().getCity());
Sometimes it is needed to construct paths that reference elements inside a collection. In this case the library treats collections as a single-element containers. Any access or mutation are made always over the last contained element.
// dereferenced collection always works with the last element (if any)
final BeanPath<Person, String> personPhonePath =
assertEquals("contact.phoneList.phone", personPhonePath.getPath());
assertEquals(personPhonePath.get(person), person.getContact().getPhoneList()