
An ESP32 based 8 channels motor controller (to replace Homematic IP Floor Heating Actuator)


An ESP32 8 channels motor controller (shield) | Floor heating controller for proportional actuator

(Can replace Homematic IP Floor Heating Actuator [HmIP-FALMOT-C12] ~210$ + [CCU3] ~150$)

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The ready to go board costs less than 30$

2 Goals :

  • Make a floor heating controller
  • ESP motor shield (done in v58 rev 1.49 )

Functionalities :

  • Can control 8 DC motors or 4 steppers motor
  • Can drive 8 Homematic valve actuators [HmIP-VDMOT] (~15$ each)
  • The card use a ESP32-WROOM-32D as logics and wifi connection. (You can get a 32U if you want an external antenna)
  • The software runs under esphome to be easy to customize and linked with https://www.home-assistant.io
  • Can be extended up to 16 channels (I recommend to get 2 boards for better performances, but the shifts registers can be extended up to 4)
  • Use BEMF (back electromotive force) from motors to get endstops
  • Can be directly linked to external temperature sensors (wifi,BLE, or via available free pins)
  • Wide range of input power 2.5 to 6V
  • Easily hackable

Fabrication :

  • PCB can be ordered with chips assembled at JLPCB for 5.8$/unit.
  • The 3.3v power (or 5v) can be HKL-5MX or HKL-PMX (under 2.75$)
  • ESP32-WROOM-32D costs approx 3.8$
  • Box is 3D printed

New version 1.3 :

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  • Compatible with HKL-5M03 or HKL-PM03, or with 5V version (HKL-5M05 or HKL-PM05)
  • Compatible with 1000 or 900 mil ESP32 board width

New version 1.4 :

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  • Input power can be 5V to 12V
  • 5V Jumper + 3.3V exposed copper cutout

New version v53 rev 1.19 :

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  • Complete rebuild
  • All part can be assembled at JLPCB
  • Costs rise to 25$ / board (ESP not included, shipping included)
  • Fix issue [#5] (nliaudat#5)
  • Fix HLK-PM03 footprint
  • Change L9110s chips (the old one was not available anymore)
  • change version number to real job

New version v54 rev 1.34 :

  • Change 230V input socket with screw
  • Fix regression in HLK-PM03 footprint
  • Change resistors to 1.07 ohm

New version with DC input power (4.9-18 V 5A - usb and DC 2.5/6.3 plug):

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New version v54 rev 1.39 :

  • fix CH6 input shorted to CH7/8 BEMF #27

New version v55 rev 1.45 :

  • Add operational amplifier to ADC inputs alt text
  • Easyeda project getting public

New version v57 rev 1.48 :

  • Replace the 1.07R with 2 ohms
  • Custom resistors for BEMF (exposed layer to cut out)

New version v58 rev 1.49 :

  • Replace the RJ11 with screw terminals ( the RJ11 was too specific for "HmIP-VDMOT") (look at VdMot wiring)
  • Make the board compatible with all kind of motors (2.5 to 6V)
  • The easyeda sources are not available anymore (more than 50 developpers has anounced and nobody make a public commit since 3 years)

Firmware :

The futur is : Diy proportionnal valves | smart proportional actuator (TRV) with Esp-C3 mcu



  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA)
  • No commercial use
  • Actually I did not share the PCB source