
HTTP Strict Transport Security for a Pyramid web application.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Enforce HTTP Strict Transport Security for a Pyramid web application.


  • adds a Strict-Transport-Security header to every response
  • redirects requests with an insecure protocol to the corresponding secure protocol, i.e.: from http://... to https://...
  • ensures urls generated by request.*_url methods (e.g.: request.route_url) use a secure protocol


To use, pip install pyramid_hsts / add pyramid_hsts to your requirements.txt and then include the package:



If you're running behind a frontend that proxies secure requests to your app on an insecure protocol (e.g.: on Heroku or a common Nginx setup) then it is common practice for the frontend to set a header indicating the original prototcol. To read this, you need to specify the name of the protocol_header:

# must be specified if behind proxy

You can also specify the max_age of and whether to include_subdomains in your HSTS header, e.g.:

# defaults to 10886400

# both default to true