This application aims to help users keep track of their cryptocurrency portfolio by connecting the site to their Metamask Wallet.
- React
- React Router
- Material UI
- Metamask - Ethereum Wallet
- Ethers.js - Web3 library
- Web3Modal - Connect cryptocurreny wallet to App
- Coingecko API - to query cryptocurrency prices and market data
- Etherscan Rinkeby API - to query user's token balance on the Rinkeby testnet
- Crypto News API - to query for crypto news
User is able to:
- View list of coins and their updated information on the Home Page.
- Connect their Metamask Wallet to the site to view wallet balances.
- Select individual coins to view detailed info and specific news.
- View crypto-related news and events in the Newsfeed tab.
- Expand on Web3Modal library to allow users to connect to other wallets besides Metamask.
- Keep track of historical portfolio values and display values in a chart.
- Include additional token contracts in addition to ETH and LINK