- Users can send a pre-specified ERC-20 token to a Vault contract.
- The contract records the user's balance.
- Only the owner can retrieve their tokens.
- 2 contracts required: a ERC20 token to be moved around, and the Vault that will store it for the users.
- Vault should import the IERC20 interface, take the Token address in the Vault constructor, and cast it into an IERC20 state variable.
- User can approve the Vault and receive the ERC20 token from them in one transaction.
- User calls a function that instructs the Vault to take from them an amount of Token
- User can withdraw their deposit at any time. The Token is returned, and the Vault updates its user records.
- record ERC20 token address in a constant variable
- calls ERC20.approve() to allow the vault access to the user's tokens
- takes the desired amount of tokens from the user's wallet
- record the number of tokens deposited in a mapping
- emits a Deposit event
- checks that the user has a positive token balanace in the vault
- sends the desired number of tokens from the vault to the user
- updates the mapping of user's holdings in storage accordingly
- emits a Withdraw event
- public mint function should allow users to mint any amount of tokens (for the purposes of this exercise)
- approve vault to access users' tokens