📷 igFame - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
Tooling that automates your instagram media interactions to “farm” Likes, Comments, and Followers on Instagram Implemented in PHP.
Table of contents
git clone git@github.com:xosad/igFame.git
Configuring igFame
Start of by editing config.example.json
"account": {
"username": "janedoe", //Instagram username
"password": "janedoe" //Instagram password
"sleep_delay": 2200, //Sleep delay after looping all tags
"like_depth_per_user": 3, //How many random images should the bot like from users
"proxy": "", //proxy eg:
"like_depth_per_tag": 4, //How many images should the bot like from each tag
"tags": [
"igFame", //Tags to like
"blacklisted_tags": [
"testing", //Tags to blacklist
"blacklisted_usernames": [
"instagram", //Usernames to blacklist
After editing this rename it to config.json
Running igFame
php bot.php
That's it!
- Fork this repo.
- Add new features.
- Create a new pull request for this branch.