
Tus client for .net

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Tus logo

tus is a protocol based on HTTP for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without re-uploading the previous data again. An interruption may happen willingly, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of an network issue or server outage.

Tus# is a simple and fast .net client for the tus resumable upload protocol and can be used inside .net applications.

Protocol version: 1.0.0


using TusSharp;

var client = new TusClient();
//Create file stream
const string filePath = "/path/to/test.mp4";
using var stream = File.OpenRead(filePath);
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
//Create new option
var opt = new TusUploadOption()
    EndPoint = new Uri("http://localhost:1080/files"),
    ChunkSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024, //1MB
    RetryDelays = new List<int>{0, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000},
    MetaData = new Dictionary<string, string>()
        {"filename", fileInfo.Name}
    OnCompleted = () =>
        Console.WriteLine("completed upload \n");
    OnFailed = (originalResponseMsg, originalRequestMsg, errMsg, exception) =>
        Console.WriteLine("upload failed beacuse : {errMsg} \n");
    OnProgress = (chunkSize, uploadedSize, totalSize) =>
        var progressPercentage = (double)uploadedSize / totalSize * 100;
        Console.WriteLine($"upload | chunkSize : {chunkSize} | uploadedSize : {uploadedSize} | total : {totalSize} |  {progressPercentage:F2}\n");

//Create upload with option and FileStream
using var upload = client.Upload(opt, stream);

//start the upload
await upload.Start();   




This project is licensed under the MIT license.