
Setup Ubuntu machine with single command-line

Primary LanguageShell

Fast launch your Ubuntu machine with dotfiles.

This is a repo for quickly setup the remote/cloud Ubuntu machine, using the default /usr/bin/python and /bin/sh.
This setup includes:

  • Install basic/personal Ubuntu's packages
  • Setup Git
  • Setup Vim & Zsh (optional)
  • Prepare your project

Download this script

git clone https://github.com/thsunkid/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles

Launch it 🚀

cd $HOME/.dotfiles; sh launch.sh

Other features

Notify new files in a specified folder & automatically move them to a permanent place.

sh check_me.sh $SOURCE_FOLDER $PERMANENT_FOLDER # sh check_me.sh runs/ /home/thunm15/ 

See the log at $PERMANENT_FOLDER\log.txt