
My own take on Tripadvisor (not quite)

Primary LanguagePython

Running the project

To run the project locally make follow the next steps :

  • make sure you have python installed
  • Pull the project from git provider.
  • run the comman Scripts\activate, if the activation was successful, then you’ll see the name of your virtual environment, (env), at the beginning of your command prompt.
  • install the used libraries, mentioned in the usedlib.txt file, using the following command python -m pip install -r usedlib.txt
  • cd into the source file using cd src
  • finally, run the application using the command pyhton manage.py runserver
  • Open on your browser, or you can login as an admin on the
  • the admin credentials are as follows: Email : salahek25@gmail.com , Password luffy1234
  • the parts requiring an email to be sent won't be functionnal, as you're gonna have to manually enter your email credentials on the settings.py file in the EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD fields as shown in the following image :
