
Project 1 of text mining course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ProfNet : Are they friends?

In this project we create a professor relation netword based on the thesis data of NTHU. Each professor is linked to other professors that once being the oral commissioner of one's students. The weights of linkages are derived from the count of being one's student's oral commissioner.

Theses data

field Example
編號 1
校院名稱 國立清華大學
系所名稱         電機工程學系
作者 譚OO
作者(外文) Tam, OOOOO-OOO
論文名稱 用每分鐘心電圖訊號特徵為支持向量機之睡眠呼吸中止症辨識方法
論文名稱(外文) An Obstructive Sleep Apnea Recognition Algorithm...
指導教授     馬OO        
指導教授(外文) Ma, OOO-OOO
口試委員       黃OO,劉OO          
口試委員(外文) Huang, OOOO-O   Liu, OO-OOO
口試日期 2013.12.3
學位類別 碩士
畢業學年度 102
出版年 103
語文別 英文
中文關鍵詞 睡眠呼吸中止 支持向量機 心電圖    
外文關鍵詞   " "
摘要 近年來,隨著睡眠時間以及睡眠品質逐漸受到重視,睡眠呼吸中止症逐漸...    
摘要(外文) Nowadays, sleep disorders become an important...
論文目次 Abstract i\n1 Introduction 1\n1.1 Backgrounds . .
參考文獻 [1] L. R. Melinda Smith, M. A. an...
論文頁數 71

See demo.

(I used free host and the data is quite large, so please wait and press F5 for several times > < )

First, enter professor's name yor are interested in.

Then Find the biggest node. That's yor PROFESSOR!

Each node represents a professor. Color denotes different department.

Stay your mouse pointer on the node and see the professor's name.

Double click the node to see further information of the professor!

We also provide word cloud with abstract from different department across three years.

Want a comfortable one, click the link!


This is in collaboration with rdolor.