
Going through the React in Meteor tutorial by building a simple todo list

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React in Meteor Tutorial

Going through the preview React-Meteor tutorial.

See it in action at another-todo-list.meteor.com

#Notable Things

I've gone through the awesome Discover Meteor tutorial and have a decent understanding of how Meteor 1.0 works. Going through the React tutorial, several things jumped out as different:

  • React uses JSX (not a problem, since the React package in Meteor automatically compiles .jsx files)
  • JSX files use the ES6 features
  • Use mixins in order to use data from a Meteor collection in a React component
  • In React, you handle DOM events by directly referencing a method on the component. Inside the event handler, you can reference elements from the component by giving them a ref property and using React.findDOMNode. Learn more about how the event system works in React here