
/test/continuous/ TypeError on torch.distributions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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I'm currently using Tianshou 1.0.0, python 3.11.8, torch 2.2.2 on Debian 12.
I encounter an issue trying to run the following test script for ppo :
I get the following TypeError : test_ppo..dist() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

How to reproduce error: python

edit : same thing for

Yes, the examples on the master have been updated to reflect changes that were merged in #1032 .

If you copy the examples from master, pls install the version currently on master. I will release 1.1.0 soon with the newest changes.

If you want to continue using 1.0.0, you can copy the examples/tests from the corresponding tag instead of from the master branch

Btw, it's also mentioned in the changelog - second to last entry in Breaking Changes section :)

thanks alot