
A simple and easy-to-use profiler for MPI programs. It profiles CPU time and MPI time for each process. No source code modification is need, just re-link the program with this library.

Primary LanguageC


Sample Output

Rank: 0, Total time: 0.30 sec.
MPI time: 0.03 (9.83%), CPU time: 0.27 (90.17%)
Caution: MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize are not included.
 --------Function-------- --Time(s)-- --Count--
                 MPI_Wait        0.02      1680
                 MPI_Send        0.01      1680
                MPI_Irecv        0.00      1680
               MPI_Reduce        0.00         1
              MPI_Barrier        0.00         1
            MPI_Comm_size        0.00         1
            MPI_Comm_rank        0.00         1


Type make.

If you are not using Intel MPI, then there will be some errors about type declaration

Link and Use

This tool is a static library libmpit.a, link this library to your MPI programs with -L/PATH/TO/LIB -lmpit. A output file (shown as sample output above) will be generated for each process.