Das Basic
Free landing page template for SaaS built with tailwind
You can see a full preview at templates.aptex.de/das-basic.
Thanks for downloading Das Basic!
Assets used: Icons: Tabler Icons Fonts: Inter and Lato Testimonial logos: Logoipsum Additional images: undraw
If you encounter any issues, please report them by mail to consulting@aptex.de
If you use this template for your website/project, feel free to ping @natension on twitter and I'll give you a shout out!
You have multiple options to use this template.
Static HTML Template
Just use the version in the build
folder and change the text and images.
Build it yourself
Prereuisites: node.js
Start by installing the project dependencies.
npm install
Dev mode
npm run dev
Generate static files
npm run generate
Use it partially in your existing project
Just install tailwindcss in your existing project, copy the tailwind.config.js
and ./src/input.css
to your project and then select the parts you like from the html file.