
To compile the code run the following command


To run the code paste the following command

./a3 (module) (algo)


1)train 2)test


1)nn 2)baseline 3)eigen 4)haar 5)bow 6)deep

nn = Nearest Neighbour baseline = svm over raw pixels of image eigen = eigen decomposition of images haar = Viola Jones Cascade Filter bow = bag of words deep = Deep Convolutional Neural Network / Overfeat


-please download the overfeat module into the project folder as overfeat
-please download the train and test folder for images class-wise into the project folder


All reports will be found in the Report folder

By default all models for all algos are already provided to you. Just run the test modeule for any algo to get default results for the train and test images for FOODS.

By running train module you will overwrite previous trained models. Some models take large amount of time so be careful. Refer Report for the time constarint information
Thank You,
Gurleen & Steve