- 7
- 1
- 25
Support thumbor v7.x.
#144 opened by b3g00d - 1
Need Help with Configuration
#150 opened by highoncarbs - 2
Migrating from old version: 404 on old images
#146 opened by skhro87 - 1
Cannot load files from S3 bucket larger than 100mb
#143 opened by janisbiz - 6
- 2
#138 opened by grendach - 1
Cannot load files from s3 bucket
#133 opened by bip7686 - 1
- 2
#130 opened by ahuang0808 - 2
Cannot get RESULT_STORAGE working
#126 opened by peterwake - 0
Plan to support customized result storage path?
#136 opened by bjzhang1101 - 0
- 1
Help to upgrade this to 7.0.0
#152 opened by heynemann - 2
- 1
Images are not complete when getting it from server
#151 opened by JoaoMarra - 2
Getting "No security key was found"
#145 opened by tinder-calvinliu - 4
Change S3 url through environment variable
#93 opened by volyx - 2
S3 key not found at
#135 opened by altendorfme - 0
thumbor s3 upload
#137 opened by DWNEWS-weiqingtao - 0
Remove dependency to tornado_botocore
#128 opened by Bladrak - 2
Trouble in DELETE Request
#123 opened by ahuang0808 - 4
- 2
- 1
- 3
Load image file failed with aws loader
#125 opened by zj8487 - 1
How can I config multiple regions?
#122 opened by perfectacle - 4
latest version installs as v1
#119 opened by kkopachev - 9
- 4
6.2.6 installation from PyPI is broken
#117 opened by Tenzer - 0
[RFC] Automatize release with CircleCI
#113 opened by Bladrak - 0
Automatically publish documentation to github pages
#116 opened by Bladrak - 0
Circular references when creating Botocore objects
#109 opened by kkopachev - 9
- 10
[RFC] Add some randomness in the key names
#88 opened by Bladrak - 1
- 1
- 3
#90 opened by danielmotaleite - 3
Using thumbor-aws with riak
#91 opened by danielmotaleite - 4
ImportError: cannot import name Botocore
#99 opened by henryliu-git - 6
- 4
Using Smart/face detection dos not work
#82 opened by benzon - 8
More of a question
#81 opened by benzon - 5
Problem with unicode chars in path?
#95 opened by smagnaschi - 1
get_image failed for all s3 objects
#96 opened - 1
PUT timeout behind proxy
#89 opened by Xrampino - 4
S3 Results storage fails when using gifv
#86 opened - 1
Is it a problem with RESULT_STORAGE?
#87 opened by jhonathas - 7
S3 storage does not work
#80 opened by johntiror