
Code release of paper Debiased Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Learning (NeurIPS 2022 Oral)


This repository contains the implementation code for paper:
Debiased Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Learning
Baixu Chen, Junguang Jiang, Ximei Wang, Pengfei Wan, Mingsheng Long, Jianmin Wang
Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022, Oral)
[Project Page] [OpenReview] [Slide] [Poster]

Table of Contents

Debiased Self-Training



Code release. For usage, please see Installation part.

Code of training-from-scratch experiments (standard SSL benchmarks)
Code of fine-tuning experiments (ImageNet Pre-trained, ResNet50)


Debiased Self-Training (DST) tackles the bias issue in self-training process. DST can be implemented by only several lines of code and enjoys the following advantages.

  • DST significantly boosts the performance (18.9% over FixMatch on 13 tasks). Meanwhile, it helps stabilize training and improves performance balance.
  • DST can serve as a general add-on to mainstream self-training methods. Besides, the benefits of DST and recent popular techniques (dynamic thresholding, contrastive learning, etc.) are orthogonal.

Below, we briefly explain the main components of DST. For details, please refer to our paper.

Decoupled Pseudo Labeling


First, we revisit the components of deep neural networks where the bias may accumulate. Our experiments suggest that the backbone has better tolerance to noisy pseudo labels than the classifier head. Based on this observation, we propose to introduce a complete parameter-independent pseudo head to take the duty of training with pseudo labels. As illustrated in (d), we decouple the generation and utilization of pseudo labels.

Worst Case Estimation


Further, we further propose a worst-case estimation to decrease bias in the feature space. This is achieved by introducing another worst-case head and a minimax game between the feature extractor and the worst-case head. We illustrate the idea in the above figure.

(a) Shift between the hyperplanes learned on limited labeled data and the true hyperplanes.

(b) The worst hyperplanes are hyperplanes that correctly distinguish labeled samples while making as many mistakes as possible on unlabeled samples.

(c) Feature representations are optimized to improve the performance of the worst hyperplanes.


We release our code as part of Transfer Learning Library (TLlib). Currently, we maintain our code in two different folders of TLlib.

To use our code, you should (1) install TLliib, and (2) follow the instructions in the above links to install addtional dependencies.


We provide the running scripts as well as optimal hyperparameters in corresponding code. The main results are shown below.

Standard SSL Benchmarks

FixMatch 92.9 53.7 98.0 62.5
DST(FixMatch) 94.0 60.0 97.7 78.0

Fine-Tuning Experiments

Supervised Pre-Training

Methods Food101 CIFAR10 CIFAR100 CUB200 Aircraft Cars SUN397 DTD Pets Flowers Caltech Avg
ERM 33.6 59.4 47.9 48.6 29.0 37.1 40.9 50.5 82.2 87.6 82.2 54.5
Pseudo Label 36.9 62.8 52.5 54.9 30.4 40.4 41.7 54.1 89.6 93.5 85.1 58.4
Pi Model 34.2 66.9 48.5 47.9 26.7 37.4 40.9 51.9 83.5 92.0 82.2 55.6
Mean Teacher 40.4 78.1 58.5 52.8 32.0 45.6 40.2 53.8 86.8 92.8 83.7 60.4
UDA 41.9 73.0 59.8 55.4 33.5 42.7 42.1 49.7 88.0 93.4 85.3 60.4
FixMatch 36.2 74.5 58.0 52.6 27.1 44.8 40.8 50.2 87.8 93.6 83.2 59.0
Self Tuning 41.4 70.9 57.2 60.5 37.0 59.8 43.5 51.7 88.4 93.5 89.1 63.0
FlexMatch 48.1 94.2 69.2 65.1 38.0 55.3 50.2 55.6 91.5 94.6 89.4 68.3
DebiasMatch 57.1 92.4 69.0 66.2 41.5 65.4 48.3 54.2 90.2 95.4 89.3 69.9
DST 58.1 93.5 67.8 68.6 44.9 68.6 47.0 56.3 91.5 95.1 90.3 71.1
Oracle 85.5 97.5 86.3 81.1 85.1 91.1 64.1 68.8 93.2 98.1 92.6 85.8

Unsupervised Pre-Training

Methods Food101 CIFAR10 CIFAR100 CUB200 Aircraft Cars SUN397 DTD Pets Flowers Caltech Avg
ERM 33.5 63.0 50.8 39.4 28.1 40.3 40.7 53.7 65.4 87.5 82.8 53.2
Pseudo Label 33.6 71.9 53.8 42.7 30.9 51.2 41.2 55.2 69.3 94.2 86.2 57.3
Pi Model 32.7 77.9 50.9 33.6 27.2 34.4 41.1 54.9 66.7 91.4 84.1 54.1
Mean Teacher 36.8 79.0 56.7 43.0 33.0 53.9 39.5 54.5 67.8 92.7 83.3 58.2
UDA 39.5 91.3 60.0 41.9 36.2 39.7 41.7 51.5 71.0 93.7 86.5 59.4
FixMatch 44.3 86.1 58.0 42.7 38.0 55.4 42.4 53.1 67.9 95.2 83.4 60.6
Self Tuning 34.0 63.6 51.7 43.3 32.2 50.2 40.7 52.7 68.2 91.8 87.7 56.0
FlexMatch 50.2 96.6 69.2 49.4 41.3 62.5 47.2 54.5 72.4 94.8 89.4 66.1
DebiasMatch 54.2 95.5 68.1 49.1 40.9 73.0 47.6 54.4 76.6 95.5 88.7 67.6
DST 57.1 95.0 68.2 53.6 47.7 72.0 46.8 56.0 76.3 95.6 90.1 68.9
Oracle 87.0 98.2 87.9 80.6 88.7 92.7 63.9 73.8 90.6 97.8 93.1 86.8


If you have any questions or want to use the code, please contact


If you find this code useful, please cite our paper.

  	title={Debiased Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Learning},
  	author={Chen, Baixu and Jiang, Junguang and Wang, Ximei and Wan, Pengfei and Wang, Jianmin and Long, Mingsheng},
  	booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


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