
Python driver to control the Tenx USB Missile Launcher

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tenx USB Missile Launcher Python Driver

This is a Python driver to control the Tenx USB Missile Launcher (0x1130/0x0202).

It is tested in Python 3 and an Ubuntu based distro.


Project dependencies can be installed with Poetry.

In order to connect to the device without being a super user, you need to add a udev rule. As a super user, just create a new file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-missile.rules with the following content:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1130", ATTR{idProduct}=="0202", MODE="666"

Then, restart udev with:

sudo udevadm trigger


To initialise the device, import the library and create a missileLauncher():

from tenx_missile import MissileLauncher
m = MissileLauncher()

The following methods are pre-defined:

  • left(ms=500)
  • right(ms=500)
  • up(ms=500)
  • down(ms=500)
  • upleft(ms=500)
  • upright(ms=500)
  • downleft(ms=500)
  • downright(ms=500)
  • fire()

For the movement commands, the launcher will stop moving after ms milliseconds.

In addition, the launcher can be sent timed directions directly using the send_timed_command(command, ms=500) method, where command is the direction (as an uppercase string, e.g. "DOWNLEFT") and ms is the duration in milliseconds.

Lastly, the launcher can operate in direct mode, using send_command(command). This method will not stop the launcher automatically: instead it must be instructed to stop using the stop() or send_command("STOP") methods.


Run poetry run pytest.


  • Permit interactive use. This will mean exposing _send_command() directly so that the application can issue the self._STOP itself.
  • Add an interactive app (keyboard and gui) which can be used to directly control the launcher.
