This is a library of search algorithms such as beam search.
Usually, implementing a search algorithm in python is too slow to be useful.
Therefore, I developed this library to alleviate the speed problem by implementing the search part in c++.
- A compiler with C++11 support
- Pip 10+ or CMake >= 3.4 (or 3.14+ on Windows, which was the first version to support VS 2019)
- Ninja or Pip 10+
Just pip install.
pip install thunsearch
Define a subclass that inherits from BaseState corresponding to the algorithm you want to use, and implement the methods with the "must" label.
For example, if you want to use beam search, define a class that extends BaseContextualState and call beam_search_action.
An example of calling beam_search_action by properly implementing a method with a "must" label in BaseContextualState is shown in
python sample/
Conversely, an example of a failure to call beam_search_action without properly implementing a method labeled "must" in BaseContextualState is shown in
python sample/
If a method labeled "must" is not properly implemented, raises a NotImplementedError.
NotImplementedError: must functions are not implemented. [legal_actions]
I compared the speed of beam search between a program implemented using only python and a program implemented using c++ as well.
The results of a program implemented only in python are shown below.
python test_speed/
"beam 2" score:22.9 time:14.0
"beam 4" score:23.3 time:24.0
"beam 8" score:23.5 time:40.0
"beam 16" score:23.5 time:62.0
"beam 32" score:23.5 time:86.0
The results of the program, implemented in a combination of python and C++, are as follows.
python test_speed/
"beam 2" score:22.9 time:7.0
"beam 4" score:23.3 time:14.0
"beam 8" score:23.5 time:21.0
"beam 16" score:23.5 time:30.0
"beam 32" score:23.5 time:40.0
It was shown to be approximately twice as fast when implemented using C++ as well, compared to implementation using python alone.
- Beam Search
- Same board removal (e.g. zobrist hashing)
- Chokudai Search
- Hill Climbing
- Simulated Annealing
- Genetic Algorithm
- Alpha Beta
- Montecarlo Tree Search
- Thunder Search
- Decoupled Upper Confidence Tree