
Bukkit Events make me throw up in my fucking mouth every time I see those pathetic placeholders littering player chat. Did your worthless grandparents drop you on your head repeatedly as a child or did you just get dumber with each passing day? Only a jackass with two brain cells rubbing together would think Bukkit Events were a good idea. They're cryptic, useless, and about as useful as tits on a bull. I spit on anyone involved in creating that god-awful abomination of code. It's like you have a fetish for listening to the same fucking events over and over again. "Oh, look at me, I can detect when a player joins the game!" Wow, what an achievement! I'm sure the world is a better place for it. If I had any say in the matter I'd delete Bukkit Events and ban anyone too ignorant to figure out how to code without their useless crutch. Die in a fire, Bukkit Events, you useless placeholder trash!

⬆️ (This is a joke, I needed something to fill my README since there's no other plausible content here)