
PHP enumeration libraries feature matrix

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP enumeration libraries comparison

This project provides an unified feature comparison between most popular PHP enumeration (enum) libraries.



Each vendor implementation defines an equivalent of two enumerations:

final class FirstEnum
    public const VALID_A = 'valid-a';
    public const VALID_B = 'valid-b';

    public const PUBLIC_A = 'public-a';
    public const PUBLIC_B = 'public-b';
    protected const PROTECTED_A = 'protected-a';
    protected const PROTECTED_B = 'protected-b';
    private const PRIVATE_A = 'private-a';
    private const PRIVATE_B = 'private-b';

final class OtherEnum
    public const OTHER = 'other';

and an implementation of VendorInterface which provides all kinds of callbacks to verify the claims listed below. First two enum members (VALID_A, VALID_B) must be defined so that it's possible to create instances with these values, the rest must be provided as-is to verify other claims.


Features are divided into groups, based on the common use cases. Feature "passes" if the library allows to complete certain requirement with a simple call to its methods - dedicated manipulation of the returned value in order to match the expectations is not allowed. All tests are listed below:

  • information about...
    • downloads the number of Packagist downloads,
    • updated the date of last GitHub commit,
    • stars number of GitHub repository stars,
    • version last stable release version number,
    • sources available sources for enumerations members,
  • guarantee that...
    • verify-unique: only one instance of given member can exist in the runtime,
    • verify-ctor: re-calling __construct() does not break the instance,
    • verify-base: there is no generic typehint for all derived enums,
  • create enum value with...
    • create-key: member name only,
    • create-value: member value only,
    • create-constant: Enum::MEMBER() syntax,
    • create-enum: other enum value,
  • convert enum to...
    • to-key: member name,
    • to-value: member value,
    • to-string: member value by casting to string (string)$enum,
    • to-json: JSON by calling json_encode($enum) to get member value,
  • compare with other enums using...
    • equals-instanceof: instanceof operator,
    • equals-strict: strict comparison operator ===,
    • equals-loose: loose comparison operator ==,
    • equals-method: dedicated equals method or equivalent,
  • check whether given enum...
    • check-key: member name is valid,
    • check-value: member value is valid,
    • has-key: instance represents given member name,
    • has-value: instance represents given member value,
  • fetch enum...
    • key-to-value: value using key,
    • value-to-key: key using value,
    • list-keys: member names,
    • list-values: member values,
    • list-assoc: members and values as an associative array,
  • magic...
    • magic-serialize: (un)serialize() with __sleep() and __wakeup(),
    • magic-clone: block __clone(),
    • magic-invoke: block __invoke(),
    • magic-call: block __call(),
    • magic-props: block __set(), __get(), __isset(), and __unset().


  • miscellaneous:
    • misc-doctrine Doctrine ORM type mapping tooling,
    • misc-type verify that all member values are of the same type,
    • misc-unique all members values should be unique,
    • misc-qa quality control tools used (Psalm, PHPStan, InfectionPHP, etc.),
    • misc-sources allows creation of enumerations from multiple sources,
    • misc-exception allows throwing custom exceptions,
    • misc-external allows sourcing members from external world,
    • misc-warmup allows instantiating all members at once.
  • verify-unique: enum should contain unique members with unique values,
  • magic-export: call var_export() and restore instance during __set_state(),
  • magic-debug: call var_dump() and see what is inside using __debugInfo(),
  • create-map: dynamic enums using provided members and values,
  • create-ordinal: enums without explicit values with assigned ordinals,
  • create-gen: generating code for classes using members and values,
  • create-docblock: take members from @method docblock.
