
Example Hugo site that I hope will help me understand how to sort subdirectories

Primary LanguageHTML

I want most lists to be sorted by date. However, I want posts in content/quests/slow-down to be sorted by Title.

content/blog               <ーー  sorted by date
content/journal            <ーー  sorted by date
content/quests/            <ーー  sorted by date
content/quests/slow-down   <ーー  I want to sort by title

Most lists use this template


content/quests/ uses this template:


content/quests/slow-down does NOT use this template:


From https://gohugo.io/templates/lists/

I decided to just move quests/slow-down pages to books/slow-down. This way, any future book will be sorted in the same way, by title, not that books are sorted by title normally, but that's what I will do this time.