run local hugo server

hugo server --theme=(theme name)

the following themes compile and show my journal content:

                                    d ペ pag pre pn あ E 1 笑 r S + X
hugo server --theme=purehugo        O     O   O                S +  R (sharing links) (RSS feed)
hugo server --theme=herring-cove    O             O        O   S      (prev next on each entry)  (has a sidebar)
hugo server --theme=gindoro         O         O     あ   O            (あいうえお) (read time in minutes)
hugo server --theme=cactus          O  O               E              (links About page) (compiles with errors)
hugo server --theme=detox           O     O   O                       (dates on index)  (paginates the top index)

                                    samp  samp  samp
                                    link  page  vsbl
hugo server --theme=purehugo
hugo server --theme=herring-cove
hugo server --theme=gindoro
hugo server --theme=cactus            O     O     O
hugo server --theme=detox                   O     O

hugo server --theme=heather-hugo              O                       (preview entry on top list)
hugo server --theme=hyde            O         O                S
hugo server --theme=hugo-zen        O
hugo server --theme=hugo-bootswatch O         O
hugo server --theme=hugo-h5bp       O     X   O              O        (pagination links broken) (recent entries box)
hugo server --theme=hurock                             E
hugo server --theme=html5                                             (basic, with no dates on index)
hugo server --theme=projecthub      O         O

hugo server --theme=startboostrap-clean-blog has allll the page numbers in pagination 
hugo server --theme=tachyons has interesting year-tag on long index

the following themes compile but don't show journal entries in current configuration

hugo server
hugo server --theme=agency
hugo server --theme=artists
hugo server --theme=bootie-docs
hugo server --theme=bootstrap
hugo server --theme=cocoa
hugo server --theme=creative
hugo server --theme=freelancer
hugo server --theme=greyshade
hugo server --theme=grid-side
hugo server --theme=hugo-base-theme
hugo server --theme=hugo-multi-bootswatch
hugo server --theme=hugo-uno
hugo server --theme=journal
hugo server --theme=pixyll                    shows tags, but no content

upgrading Hugo on OS X

brew unlink hugo

brew install hugo