
Authenticate your server paths with Azure Active Directory using Reverse Proxy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MSAL Node Reverse Proxy


Node.js or Docker


# windows
copy .example.env .env 
copy pathRoleSettings.example.js pathRoleSettings.js 
# linux
cp .example.env .env 
cp pathRoleSettings.example.json pathRoleSettings.json 


Requires restart to take effect


Effective immediately on file save

  • Configure app path permissions with required roles
  • Use RegExp to match URL
  • Use Query Selectors to hide elements
    "/path-required-roles": [ // users with Role1 or Role2 will have access to path /path-required-roles
    "/path\\?file=[^ ]*test.ext": [ // match query
    "/path-required-roles/subpath": {
        "roles": ["Role1"],
        "elements": {  // hide elements using query selectors, users with Role1 but without Role2 cannot see this element
            "#container > div.btn-group.ud-toolbar.top-toolbar > button:nth-child(22)": ["Role2"]


npm i
npm run dev
# open http://localhost:3000


npm start # default port 3000
# or using docker compose
docker compose up # port 80

NGINX configuration example with Docker Compose

server {

    location /proxy {
        proxy_pass http://msal-node-reverse-proxy:3000/; 