
šŸ“Surveyor of Tiny Town

MIT LicenseMIT


surveyoroftinytown provides machine-readable data to help work with the BEACON dumps produced by terroroftinytown, URLTeam's second generation of URL shortener archiving tools. For more more information about URLTeam and terroroftinytown, please see their wiki page.


surveyoroftinytown currently includes a single dataset, projects.json, that provides a machine-readable view of (some columns of) the table describing Warrior projects on https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=URLTeam#Warrior_projects and the bit.ly aliases listed on https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=URLTeam#bit.ly_aliases.

For each project, we include:

  • aliases: a non-null array of alias hostnames
  • host: the main hostname for this project
  • warrior_project_name: Warrior project name (null for non-Warrior projects)

All credit for the original research goes to URLTeam.
