
The fastest abstract rate limiter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The fastest abstract rate limiter.

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  • Redis 2.8+


npm install thunk-ratelimiter


Example Connect middleware implementation limiting against a user._id:

const limiter = new Limiter()

limiter.connect(redisClient) // connect to a thunk-redis instance
limiter.get(req.user._id).then(function (limit) {
  response.set('X-RateLimit-Limit', limit.total)
  response.set('X-RateLimit-Remaining', limit.remaining)
  response.set('X-RateLimit-Reset', Math.ceil(limit.reset / 1000))

  // all good
  debug('remaining %s/%s %s', limit.remaining, limit.total, id)
  if (limit.remaining >= 0) return

  // not good
  let after = Math.ceil((limit.reset - Date.now()) / 1000)
  response.set('Retry-After', after)
  response.end(429, 'Rate limit exceeded, retry in ' + after + ' seconds')


new Limiter(options)

Return a limiter instance.

const limiter = new Limiter()
  • options.max: Optional, Type: Number, max requests within duration, default to 2500.
  • options.duration: Optional, Type: Number, of limit in milliseconds, should greater than 100 ms, default to 3600000.
  • options.prefix: Optional, Type: String, redis key namespace, default to LIMIT.

Limiter.prototype.connect([host, options]) => this

Limiter.prototype.connect(redisClient) => this

Connect to redis. Arguments are the same as thunk-redis's createClient, or give a thunk-redis instance.


Limiter.prototype.get(id, max, duration, max, duration, ...)

Limiter.prototype.get([id, max, duration, max, duration, ...])

Return a promise that guarantee a limiter result. it support more max and duration pairs ad limit policy. The first pairs will be used as default. If some trigger limit, then the limiter will apply the next pair policy.

limiter.get('_userIdxxx').then(function (limit) {
limiter.get('_userIdxxx:POST /files', 100, 60000, 50, 60000).then(function (limit) {
  • id: required, Type: String, the identifier to limit against (typically a user id)
  • max: Optional, Type: Number, max requests within duration, default to options.max.
  • duration: Optional, Type: Number, of limit in milliseconds, default to options.duration.

Result Object:

  • limit.remaining - number of calls left in current duration without decreasing current get
  • limit.total - max value
  • limit.duration - current duration in milliseconds
  • limit.reset - timestamp in milliseconds


limiter.remove('_userIdxxx').then(function (res) {
  console.log(err, res)