- accountanthpy
- chanchiminBSc, THU -> Mphil, HKUST
- chasekafei
- chenweize1998Tsinghua University
- crazyofappleShenzhen
- fangtaosongUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, NLP LAB
- fly51flyPRIS
- FutureForMeHarbin Institute of Technology
- Galbaz1
- garfieldpigljy
- hsing-wangTencent AI Lab
- itaoweiPh.D@Fudan University
- JinzheTanUniversity of Montreal
- jmanhype
- junwucsUniverse
- Kaguya-19School of Software,Tsinghua University
- Kunlun-ZhuMila-Quebec AI Institute; UdeM
- lfy79001Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- lipengyuebirdHONG KONG SAR
- lyl750697268
- MarshtompCS
- ownstyledu
- Rajatag27
- Rechual
- samyarjPolytechnique Montreal
- ShenYi666666
- sisterdong
- TGLTommy
- tic-top
- twardochFontlab Ltd.
- VicePrisident
- wangtz19Tsinghua University
- yilunzhaoYale University
- zhjohnchanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- ZhuohanXMohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence NLP department
- zibuyuTsinghua University