Hugging Face Demos

Demos for the talk on Introduction to AI & HuggingFace.

Getting Started

The demos are written in Python and outside of ensuring you have the latest python installed, you can setup a virtual environment and install the dependencies for all demos easily by following the notes below.

Setup Tensorflow and/or Pytorch

For some demos, it's vital that Pytorch or Tensorflow is correctly installed on your machine - based on available hardware.


with Apple Silicon

with CPU only

Create Python Virtual Environment

First we want to create a virtal environment for the dependencies:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup Environment Variables

The next thing is to setup the environment variables with API keys and various other things required for the demos.

$ cp .env.example .env

Then open up the .env file and fill in the critical ones like:

Running demos

You can run the demos in sub-folders from the root (so environment variables & dependencies are shared).

$ python image-to-audio/